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flying sausage

When you are having sex and you feel like trying something extreme... fuck your woman a few times, and when you get a boner, get out of position and take a few steps back.

Aim your dick towards her, and jump at her, and try to get your dick in her pussy!

Thus your dick flying... is the flying sausage.

"Want to do the flying sausage?" says the man

"WOOHOO!" says the lady.

by Raptor45 May 12, 2006

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Giant Sausage

the most amazing person on xbox live.
she rapes at gears of war and gets head shots with the shotgun all the time.
her best friend is Stronger and when she runs you over on halo 3 with a banshee you'll laugh at what the bottom left hand corner has to say when you die.

"yo, that giant sausage just splattered me on halo with the banshee"

"i love that xbox live whore Giantsausage. she makes my head explode on gears."

by GiantSausage October 9, 2008

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Sausage Pussy

When both lips of the vagina are so long that if you were to tie them together, you would have a shape resembling a sausage.

Person 1:Dude. How was your date with Megan

Person 2:Terrible. I found out the hard way that she has a sausage pussy.

Person 1: Ew that's fucking disgusting.

by Whatshappining July 3, 2020

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Saber Sausage

Saber sausage is where you're boner has accended to the level of war. It thirst to wage its mass destructive force against those who stand against its might.

The chosen one shall rise the saber sausage to vanquish all. So it was written.

by TGSUnderground (Also my YT) May 12, 2015

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swag sausage

Swag sausage is an ingredient used to make Swagoo

Fuccboi: Yo lets make swagoo girrrl!
Swag Princess: I want none of that swag sausage

by Swagger-in-Chief January 2, 2016

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Sausage Package

It's the act of putting shaft and balls in a females vagina

"Yo kennithin I just give Sydney a Sausage Package"

by Knee-Lover August 12, 2018

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Sausage Tossage

Copious amounts of semen.

Michael Cantrell sits in his office all day eating his own sausage tossage.

by Darius_Effin_Flynn February 7, 2018

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