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A person who try’s so hard at a game that they sweat

Omfg you freaking sweat bro

by TTVBTWSWEAT696969 June 9, 2019


You’re such a try hard it causes you to sweat

Mauricio is such a sweat I swear

by Lilppeeppers November 21, 2018


A person who is being a try hard in everything especially when playing a video game

“Bro Chris, quit being a sweat you ass cheek.”
“Well sorry I can’t help it!”

by CheechTheBeech June 30, 2019


A sweat is a person who is very good at something ie a video game. because it says that they are sweating from working so hard

Wow that guy is such a sweat at PubG

by bens1mo April 9, 2019


Verb. To confront or engage.

awwww shit...there's that motherfucker that stole my brothers bike. i'm about to sweat him for real.

by Clard April 23, 2020


Your body telling you that's it's either hot or it worked or it's nervous

Blood, sweat and tears

by I'm here when I'm boredddddddd June 5, 2023


big manbigger then lian with a very big dick bigger then lians and is a great guy greater then lian

wassup can a lo come up in yo crib? sweat

by biggusdickuss January 19, 2021