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Hot Saucing

The depraved sexual act of eating out a woman on her period via facesitting. Comparable to eating hot wings at Buffalo Wild Wings due to the red stains around the face and the taste afterwards.

Person 1: Yo Dave, you have some spicy wings last night man?
Person 2: Nah man, I was just Hot Saucing with Karen last night.
Person 1: The fuck man

by BowtieB December 3, 2014

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A comatose state induced by an overindulgence in Asian-American take-out cuisine.

After polishing off a combo platter from Happy Panda, James fell on the couch in a soy-sauced stupor.

by sarahsoups March 9, 2011

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sauce faucet

slang - a penis. sometimes a sloppy one.

Yo I got that chick to gargle my sauce faucet, fo sho.

by Bolooki December 16, 2007

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road sauce

Beer brought along in the car to make a long road trip more tolerable, or even fun. aka roadie.

dude, we're not hitting the road until we swing by the Price Chopper and pick up a twelve of road sauce.

by ahw June 29, 2008

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Douche Sauce

The excessive use of offensively odoriferous body sprays for men.

What is that smell. Oh T-Bag is saturated in douche sauce

by mo_az September 17, 2010

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saucing the popcorn

Pouring hot sauce on a woman's nether region, then eating tater tots off of the hot sauce-gina

Dude, I was totally saucing the popcorn at PF Changs last weekend with this chick

by benstiller69 November 7, 2013

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PP sauce

Aka cum

Sartaj loves the pp sauce

by Goodasme1 April 16, 2019

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