A collection of words of wich has definitions of slang
I don't know what wank is i will search on urban dictionary
The urban dictionary is a dictionary where you can add or look for word meaning
Hey teacher can I use the urban dictionary
A place on the Internet that makes you think that you're clever and hilarious but really you're just a sad person sitting in front of a computer screen bored out of your mind
Have you gone on Urban Dictionary.com? I go on there all the time
a site where literally none of the users have had sex or felt the touch of a woman who loves them
Urban dictionary was supposed to have actual information and not "sexual" things you make up on the fly. Seriously, get help.
A website that will accept a word 10000 times with the same definition but won't accept if you change it up a little.
Hey, look up any name on Urban Dictionary and see how many definitions are the same fucking thing. Don't try to change it up a little or they won't accept your word.
The site you are on right now you dipshit
Did you see the definition for Kim Kardashian on Urban Dictionary!?! **Laughs out loud**
Urban Dictionary is a dictionary that helps people discover words that aren't in the normal English dictionary like booty or fuck. This helps people discover new words to use in everyday life.
FRIEND 1 - What does pineaple mean
FRIEND 2 - Go to Urban Dictionary, it probably be there.
*Friend 1 is never seen again*