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urban dictionary

A collection of words of wich has definitions of slang

I don't know what wank is i will search on urban dictionary

by hamandeggs December 27, 2021

Urban dictionary

The urban dictionary is a dictionary where you can add or look for word meaning

Hey teacher can I use the urban dictionary

by Monkey1234433 February 27, 2022

Urban Dictionary

A place on the Internet that makes you think that you're clever and hilarious but really you're just a sad person sitting in front of a computer screen bored out of your mind

Have you gone on Urban Dictionary.com? I go on there all the time

by slowpoketurtle June 29, 2017

Urban Dictionary

a site where literally none of the users have had sex or felt the touch of a woman who loves them

Urban dictionary was supposed to have actual information and not "sexual" things you make up on the fly. Seriously, get help.

by _Koji_ December 15, 2020

Urban Dictionary

A website that will accept a word 10000 times with the same definition but won't accept if you change it up a little.

Hey, look up any name on Urban Dictionary and see how many definitions are the same fucking thing. Don't try to change it up a little or they won't accept your word.

by sheieisoskdjdjee June 29, 2011

Urban Dictionary

The site you are on right now you dipshit

Did you see the definition for Kim Kardashian on Urban Dictionary!?! **Laughs out loud**

by pussy is good shit ;) May 17, 2015

Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary is a dictionary that helps people discover words that aren't in the normal English dictionary like booty or fuck. This helps people discover new words to use in everyday life.

FRIEND 1 - What does pineaple mean
FRIEND 2 - Go to Urban Dictionary, it probably be there.
*Friend 1 is never seen again*

by OhSuger September 6, 2019