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Psychological Finger

The psychological Finger is the PC version of giving someone the real Finger. The recipient will only realize they have been given the Psychological Finger long after the fact when they realize that you had no intentions of following through with a promise to either help or get back to them.

You " Boss, I need a new Computer, mine is very slow"

Boss "Sure, no problem, I will send an e-mail to IT and instruct them to get you a new Computer"

You call IT two weeks later to ask whether your Boss had sent the e-mail only to find out it was never sent.

You realize your Boss had given you the Psychological Finger in your original meeting.

by PeterUK January 17, 2008

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Flaming finger

1. An arcade game that plays techno music non-stop when you ignore it
2. A handjob after eating Taco Bell

1. Guy: I don't feel like playing Flaming Finger
Flaming Finger: Dun dun du du du du du dun dun dun dun
2. Girl 1: omg he proposed to me in Taco Bell then gave me the flaming finger!
Girl 2: omg that is so romantic!

by iammakingupmyname January 5, 2010

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throwing fingers

the act of a man pleasuring a women with his fingers

Cleighs hand was tired from throwing fingers all night at his girlfriends house

by derfajj January 22, 2007

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Tiger Fingers

A persons ability to make their fingers vibrate from playing years of the video game tiger woods pga tour. Mainly a sexual term used on ones cliterous.

Dude, last night when i was hooking up with that chick, i totally gave her the tiger fingers and she went absolutely wild!

by The Professor KR March 22, 2009

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Gravy finger

When one inserts a finger or thumb in to another's pooper and gets a decent amount of feces on their finger / thumb.

(Gravy fingering) The act of giving a gravy finger.

(Gravy fingerer) Your mom.

My dad gravy fingered me on the couch last night when I was trying to watch Malcom in the Middle.

by Gravyman December 4, 2008

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Finger Hut

Getting fingered outside of pizza hut near trash can.... With vodka

Trying to finger hut.

by Fimgerhut March 25, 2016

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Iron finger

When someone jams a finger in a woman's butthole repeatedly as hard and as fast as they can.

Donny gave Patty a iron finger last night.

by Donny884 April 9, 2022

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