Sike shes so nice, stubborn at time a bit odd, like fries and mayo.... and likes smoking.
She ai
Rando: "Hey Bella Bell wanna hit this?"
Bella Bell: " HELL YEAH MAN!"
Sweetest girl in the world is very stubborn tho but she cares. She has an attitude out of this world but compliments it with her looks. Bella J is a goddess in disguise and has the body of one. They often fall for Libras or guys or girls that names start with D
When u meet Bella Thorne and she touches you in any way you have contracted Bella fever and the only cure is to bathe in a whole pool of holy water.
“I need Bella Thorne the other day and I think I have Bella fever. Do u have any holy water?”
Aye you see that girl Bella Morrison? She always puts her back to me cuz she hates me:(
the hottiest mc hottie ever and she steals jamie’s side hoe
hi bella fricken davis
literally the best person in the world.
when i met bella pantelic she made my life so much better. i’m so glad we are friends
THE MOST AMAZING SMART KIND BEAUTIFUL PERSON EVER. i literally love you so much bella. ur mind is so insane and beautiful i hoper we’re friends forever
omg bella pantelic is so kind and pretty.