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Bella bell

Sike shes so nice, stubborn at time a bit odd, like fries and mayo.... and likes smoking.
She ai

Rando: "Hey Bella Bell wanna hit this?"
Bella Bell: " HELL YEAH MAN!"

by unknown198555 December 26, 2022

Bella J

Sweetest girl in the world is very stubborn tho but she cares. She has an attitude out of this world but compliments it with her looks. Bella J is a goddess in disguise and has the body of one. They often fall for Libras or guys or girls that names start with D

She is such a Bella J

by Pseushaun November 23, 2021

Bella fever

When u meet Bella Thorne and she touches you in any way you have contracted Bella fever and the only cure is to bathe in a whole pool of holy water.

“I need Bella Thorne the other day and I think I have Bella fever. Do u have any holy water?”

by Big_fat_gummy_bears December 6, 2017

Bella Morrison


Aye you see that girl Bella Morrison? She always puts her back to me cuz she hates me:(

by SherideonmydicklikeaHANDLE February 21, 2019

bella fricken davis

the hottiest mc hottie ever and she steals jamie’s side hoe

hi bella fricken davis

by hottieurbody May 12, 2020

bella pantelic

literally the best person in the world.

when i met bella pantelic she made my life so much better. i’m so glad we are friends

by superswag100 May 25, 2021

bella pantelic

THE MOST AMAZING SMART KIND BEAUTIFUL PERSON EVER. i literally love you so much bella. ur mind is so insane and beautiful i hoper we’re friends forever

omg bella pantelic is so kind and pretty.

by fiooooo May 26, 2021