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Grandpa Cow

n. the tyoe of grandparent that every grandkid gets excited about going to visit; he plays guitar; he owns lots of instruments; he owns lots of animals; he had a childhood friend who mispronounced his name (Kyle) as "cow"; and he has a strange ability to make coke cans stick to his forhead.

Jack: "I have to go visit my grandparents this weekend, its going to suck."

Daphne: "Bummer dude. I love hanging out with my grandpa. He is a total grandpa cow!"

Jack: "I'm so jealous."

by jcterry53 November 27, 2009

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Butters Cow

An Ugly Person.

Allow it fam, your friend's a butters cow.

by Skydive March 1, 2012

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bitchy cow

your mom

"your moms a bitchy cow"

by pussy destoryor 69 January 16, 2017

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half cow

A man who is half cow, half human, half cheese. Not very intelligent, and whenever you ask them a question there first response is whatttttttt

Person 1; Hey Half Cow?
Person 2: What????????

by globro13016 February 19, 2016

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asian cow

A overwieght asian female that is often seen in the wild with a mouthful of braces and stylish rolling backpack.

That asian cow is a speed racer

by Asian swagboi May 13, 2015

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secret cow

A mystery creature/thing/sex toy/whatever created by our very own Goacher. IT SECRET MOOS!

Can I have your secret cow?
What is a secret cow?
For the love of god, SECRET MOO!

by Sara Summertime June 4, 2007

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cows tit

Another word for you're awesome

Omg you're the cows tit

by Cowstit April 27, 2015

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