noun. A gap in logic or reasoning in any argument that leaves the presenter open to criticism by internet trolls.
"If you're going to review that headphone, be sure to close any possible troll holes: take measurements as well as discussing what you heard."
One who sides with a troll to cause havoc, usually in which to sabotage one person. These "back-seat" trolls are invisible to society and can't be easily spotted, unlike your normal flamers.
Stop being an invisible troll.
Definitions that trolls put on insulting words like stupid or dumbass that often say shit like "a person who looks up 'stupid' in the dictionary because he doesn't know what it means" or "a person who looks up 'dumbass' in the dictionary". It's so annoying when these come up.
Guy: I'm just derping on the urban dictionary. Let's search for the word "stupid".
Definition: A person who looks up "stupid" in the dictionary because he doesn't know what it means.
Sample Sentence: You are stupid.
When a person known as a troll (someone who strives to trick people) pretend they will not troll you but then proceed to 360 in your mouth and trick yo
Conor and Will, the troll-masters, hid behind the bush to troll-scope the kids leaving the party.
Man 2: "Please do not kill me I am reading my book"
man 1: "Ok"
man 1: *kills man 2*
man 1: "get troll-scoped lozer swizz
Someone who says inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic statements in a news broadcast or at least on television or radio broadcasts, with the primary intent of provoking listeners into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. This is done to distract from the actual issues and to get the News Troll's name repeated in other news forums or shows in order to remain relevant and to sell their books to their listening audience, the people who want to believe that the ridiculous things that News Trolls state are true .
News Trolls like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, or other supposed "news" media commentators that actually spread propaganda and misinformation campaigns instead of actual news stories for people that don't consider reality good enough for them and/or believe that critical thinking and facts are either "liberal biased", or "left wing". Anyone trying to instill fear, anger, or distract from the real issues of the day is a News Troll.
GG/Troll is a discord server with 100k members known for the trollface
"Hey bro lets go watch the GG/Troll 100k members celebration on twitch!"
"That sounds Fun!"