Source Code

adam west

The Male "Camel Toe".

When a man wears his pants or shorts so tight that his package stands out and makes a "V" as if he were wearing spandex like in the old batman tv show.
Did you see that guys "Adam West"?

by Zack McWherter May 11, 2007

29πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž

West Linn

A city outside of Portland,OR.
This place obviously has a lot of whiny bitches that cry about everybody being fake, when really they are just kidding themselves. You just have to make the best of things and take your anger out by fucking around in random stores and throwing shit out of your cars at people and at starbucks. And don't forget to get fucking wasted. climbing the rooftops and getting the cops called on you for doing awesome shit that most of those losers are never gonna get to experience.

The cops have nothing to do except cruise around and steal peoples wheel chairs that they bought fair and square. and it has so many people that say everybody around them are douchebags and fakie preps and don't realize that its fun being a douchebag.

Nerds: everybody here is fake and i cry and masturbate myself to sleep everynight cause i can't get any.

True West Linnian: *kicks in balls* LOSER

by JonMotherFuckingMathan July 29, 2011

14πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

West Virginia

The second poorest-state next to Mississippi. It was a mistake the state Seceded from Virginia during the Civil War. Virginia does better in almost everything each year while West Virginia get's worse. This is the only state where ive seen the state sign say open for business, and then months later it was changed. They don’t allow any business in the state so the result is a loss of jobs and an increase in poverty.

Where the infamous United States Senator: Robert Carlyle Byrd is from. He is the "Oldest" current member of the United States Congress (BORN 1917). He was a member of the KKK and has openly said "Nigger" and "White Nigger" on National Television. Actually his exact words were: "There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word."(March 4, 2001 interview with Tony Snow).

WV is the Chemical Capital of the United States. Yes, I bet you thought New Jersey had that one but you would be wrong. Du-Pont has displaced research chemicals into streams, and river throughout the state for many years. Towards Virginia and D.C., that end of WV has advised that people boil there water and filter it before consuming. Sad.

The western end of the state has it's own sickness similar to the one in Ohio. It's called the Mid-Ohio Valley sickness.

The state has one of the LOWEST overall violent/property crime rates in the entire USA.

Yes there are Bueatiful Mountains to see, but what lurks inside them is scary. In Cairo for example, people seem to build there houses out of scratch if you catch my drift. It’s some scary looking shit, and people live there. Holy shit!

There are entire ABONDONED TOWNS throughout the state. Not one person around anywhere, not one store of business open. Again, scary shit.

Incest does not occur in West Virginia like people think.
With that said, Arkansas is the INCEST capital of the USA.

The largest city has just over 50,000 people. And has absolutely nothing cool or hip to even mention. And yes im talking about Charleston. That city is lame, just like the rest of them.

The state sucks, I will pray for it.

I have friends who live in West Virginia.

I have relatives who live in West Virginia.

by iueuifnhonhj562525 January 2, 2009

40πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž

kanye west

"Things we buy cover up what`s inside
Cause they make us hate ourself and love they wealth"

kanYe west

by james June 25, 2004

18πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

jim west

Jim or Jim West, something that is used to roach a joint or a cigarette burn originates from a Will Smith song titled Wild Wild West

Hey you got any Jim West man?
Im on the quest for west can u help me?

by BarrytheBaptist January 17, 2006

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

West Virginia

A great state to BE from. A great state to visit on holiday esp. Deer (Rifle) Season. Nothing is better. You only have 2 options in this state. You are either going uphill or downhill. Thats it. You see there ARE lots of hills and hollers and shit. (that would qualify as mountains in any other state). Lots of Black Folk in your new location that try to intimidate you because you are white. Be easy! Just tell them that you are from West Virginia. It will scare them off faster than roaches with the light on.

There are a lot of proper talking hillbilles with college educations that you would not want to do wrong to. And more than a few Janky wannabe hilbilllie wiggers that are wanksters.

I thought I was a badass until that white boy told me he was from West Virginia. Then I got scared!

by STANKSTOZOID July 1, 2010

12πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Kanye West

One of the best rappers who mostly talks about life such as,"Yeah, we almost got jacked but we we're smart" not like this,"Yeah, we uh...beat the living crap out of this guy".

The legacy will live forever.

Best songs(Most recent):
Through the wire(2003)
Jesus Walks(2004)
All Falls Down(2004)

by P.I.M.P. August 17, 2004

23πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž