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sugar cougar

an older wealth woman who seeks sexual relationships with much younger men.Corresponding to sugar daddy. Also, rich cougar /rich kugar/rich kuger.

A: Where he got that fancy watch? B: From his sugar cougar l bet.

by Vmighty August 9, 2015

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

sugar lump

Currency mainly used in Uganda. Many histoians speculate that the Falklands war was due to a sugar lump.

Hairy Native: Hoo much da Donkey?
Hairier Native: 12 Sugar lumps, and soom fudge from ya daughter.

by Cobs July 16, 2003

22πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

mandem sugar

best friends.

"They are my mandem sugars!"

"How's it going my mandem sugar?"

by JameSLICE March 24, 2008

13πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Sugar Momma

that type of mom friend that knows things. she's been, seen, and done a lotta stuff an average mom wouldn't do. she's wise that way and tries to guide her young and dumb from the rock bottom horrors of the teenage years by encouraging the occasional recreational dick, drink, and drug. she's your ride or die, literally, and her rationality will bring you back to sanity. she also thic and got a big heart, love your sugar momma cause you'll probably only get one.
She may also be into slightly older men but that's besides the point

Ex 1:
Don: hey guys, i never sucked dick before, do you have any advice?
Samneric: we don't but you can always ask sugar momma, she knows the tricks
Don: true, thanks

Don: Hey, how do I get this annoying ass bitch off back?
Sugar Momma: Tell them, "idi u tri picke materine"
Don: swell, thanks!

by uncledonnie May 10, 2018

23πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

watermelon sugar

pussy juice or dick juice (we don’t discriminate here) that harry cant live without and that apparently tastes like strawberries

β€œi don’t know if i could ever go without watermelon sugar high”

by larryslovechildd October 29, 2020

6πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Sugar daddy

A sugar coated term for prostitution. The only relationship looks sweet, but its realities are quite disturbing.

The sugar daddy was old so he would have to pay for it anyway.

by arieljopp October 13, 2014

19πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

sugar high

The euphoria experienced after consuming large amounts of sugar or caffeine. The effects of sugar high are commonly exaggerated by people who compare it to the effects of pot, alcohol, and other drugs. These people are usually idiots. While sugar high exists, its effects are, in fact, really tame, and may include dizzyness, a bit of insomnia and nausea. It lastes for a couple minutes, or wears off after you take a shit/throw up.

I ate 5 candy bars and got a sugar high, I threw up and then I felt okay.

by castooor November 8, 2009

44πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž