Lick Me Baby is when you mum goes to Walmart , become a VSCO girl and starts lick her hydro flask e.g I’m going to Lick Me Baby tonight
be grateful for me, be fucking appreciative of me
i don't care cause you should prada me cause when im fucking gone im gone
Being sexed so good it leaves you retarded and goofy.
Omg he dicked me dumb I'm in love.
When you pull up on a girl in a red Ryder wagon listening to what does the fox say. You will have such clout and be so sexy she will be wet as Niagara Falls. You should also flex your tiny pp.
Damn sis he got me like Niagara Falls!
People Say this as a kind of meme
Game: You have been banned
Smashing too hard, and spiderwebbing pelvis.
Red smashed me, I think he spiderwebbed me. Need to make a trip to the ER.
*sits in mothers spot* her: exsqueeze me?!
tadyaaa there u gow