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A fake nap.

Dude A: "You lazy-ass, while you were taking a nap I was cleaning up the house!"

Dude B: "Oh I wasn't actually asleep, it was a fap, I was fapping."

by NightlifeCommando August 28, 2010

38πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

fappity fap fap

To masturbate extremely fast. This term can only be used with a male. Female term would be "schlickity schlick schlick."

Maurice, what is your favorite activity?

Why, of course, fappity fap fapping!

by Mikere November 22, 2013


Frequent Abuse of the Penis

I FAP every second Wednsday of Every other week.

by Bulldozer17 February 8, 2010

27πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


''Forever Alone Pleasure''

dude im alone this christmas ill go fap all night

by MudingPakits December 24, 2015

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


when one goes out and... well, beats their meat..


by XxX_EatThatPussy69_XxX October 13, 2017


let’s be honest, you’re looking at this to fap.

fapping is when you touch your genitals with your hand, or toys. sometimes, you can make noises like this> mmh~~ fuck~~ feels so good.

by kkkkkkkkanonymouss October 13, 2019


a mixture of mango and carrot juice

need a fap for the weekend

by pappiv April 22, 2017