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litol lar

litol lar is the sweetest gal you will ever meet, simply wunderbar.
also makes the best brownies known to man.

isaac: wow litol lar, you are such a girlboss.
litol lar: heh

by choemse August 22, 2022

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Lars Ulrich

1. Hyperactive Metallica drummer

2. Fast food restaurant

1. Man, Lars Ulrich can really play those skins!

2. Dude, I'm heading out to Lars Ulrich's to get a cheeseburger.

by Matthew McDonnell July 28, 2004

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Lars Move

The act of making a mistake or saying something stupid. Similar to being a dumb blonde, but saying/doing dumb things much more often.

Steve: Name a number between 1 and 52..
Bill: 68!
Steve: wtf? typical Lars Move!

by DJ XD October 13, 2011

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Lars Ingar

Also commonly shortend to "Lasse".

word used to describe someone who stabs his friends in the back. Not to be confused with "Fat Lasse" which is used to describe somone sympatetic to people.

"Lasse" or "Thin Lasse" is someone whom desperately seeks random groups to become the alfa-male of, at any cost.

The worst thing you can be called is "Lasse"

He is the worst person I know, he is extremely Lasse

You`re being extremely Lars Ingar today, thats why I dont want to hang out.

by kakmadafaka123 August 26, 2010

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lars money

When some is rich rich like more money that he coukd spend he got lars money

Yo you rich as fuck your dad got that lars money

by Amir khomik November 18, 2020


LARS is an acronym for Lame Ass Redneck Shit. This involves all redneck and cowboy garbage. Including but not limited to Pickup trucks, country music, racist symbol wearing, and dressing up like its 1885.
Terrible rock like Nickelback and supporting of TRUMP is also covered by this. People become violent because they dont understand how the internet works are included.

"You see that fool driving a pickup truck with a confederate flag on it to the TRUMP rally? Thats some straight up LARS."

"You see that fool in the park beat on his woman for arguing with him? Classic LARS."

"That dude jumped that asian guy. He told the COPS he thought all asians were ninjas and he was scared. Thats next levels LARS son."

"What do you get when a drunken rodeo clown has a sex with a Truck Stop Whore. A boy named LARS ."

by Mongo Lloyd Banks April 4, 2016

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lars ulrich

(1) Former great drummer, now too busy crying over filesharing to properly tune a goddamn snare.
(2) Sellout

(1) Did you hear St Anger?
Yeah, and it sucked ass -- when the fuck did Lars start playing steel drums?

(2) Dude, that band sold out big time. They're all a bunch of Lars Ulrichs now.

by BeanSpleen February 3, 2005

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