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Jesus is the Son of God. He was a man that reformed Judaism and was hated for his radical changes. He established a bond between God and his people that has been umatched. Over 2 Billion people acknowledge he is God and over 3.5 Billion acknowledge his divinity. Jesus was perfect in any way, and in recent Godless times, has become a common object of ridicule among non-believers. Praised by Chrstians and Muslims as a messanger of/from God, he established a new variety of Judaism (now called Christianity) which came together in the early 2nd century as the One True Holy and Apostolic Church (Now known as the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church)(110AD - 140AD) and writings about his life first appeared in the first century (60-90AD). Preached against the old "eye for an eye" ideology and taught a new "turn the other cheek" attitude. Later disputes about his intentions with his people supurred a "refomartion" in which many people broke away from the Catholic Church and established Protestantism (commonly reffered to by the generic name of "Christians" in the U.S., since there are many denominations (Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, +32,000 more denominations) to the point where many of the groups are not recognized if called by their formal names). Protestants have lately earned a bad name for their "excessive preaching" to non-believers. Jesus had 12 apostoles, 5 of which established the Catholic and Orthodox churches. Jesus was born in Nazareth, most likely in the summer. Christmas is recognized by most churches to celebrate the birth of Christ (and not as Christ's ACTUAL birthday, which non-believers misunderstand) and Easter is the celebration of Jesus' return to life.

About 4,500,000,000 People believe in (a) God (75% of the world)
About 3,500,000,000 People acknowledge Jesus' holiness (Christians + Muslims) (77% of God Believers)
About 2,100,000,000 People acknowledge Jesus is God (Christians) (46% of God believers)
Of the 2.1 Billion Christians:
1.6 Billion are orthodox Christians (Catholics + Eastern Orthodoxies + Oriental Orthodoxies) (76% of Christians)
0.5 Billion are unorthodox Christians (Independents + Protestants) (23% of Christians)
Of the 1.6 Billion orthodox Christians
1.1 Billion are Roman Catholics (52% of All Christians)
0.4 Billion are Eastern Orthodox (19% of All Christians)
0.1 Billion are Oriental Orthodox or other Orthodox (4% of All Christians)
Of the 0.5 Billion unorthodox Christians
0.2 Billion are Independents (9% of All Christians)
0.3 Billion are Protestants (13% of All Christians)

by Espanhol March 1, 2006

68๐Ÿ‘ 368๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. That guy who was both God and man, really loves you and me, came to the world 2000 years ago in a barn, lived a regular life so He could identify with us, taught us the mind of God and pathways to Heaven, died on a cross for our sins so we could be right with God and not sent to hell, and rose back from the dead three days later, and then He ascended to Heaven where He is prayin and cheerin us on until the day He comes back!
2. Somebody the Inquirer says owns a hotdog cart in New York City.
3. The second person of the Holy Trinity explained this way: The heart of God is the Father, the Face of God is Jesus, and the voice of God is the Holy Spirit.
4. My Savior, my King and Lord, my Brother, my Friend, and my Lover. I know that it would make a great country music

1. Jesus moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.
2. Jesus owns a hotdog cart in The Big Apple.
3. Jesus is the Son.
4. I love You Jesus!!!

by D. L. Black December 15, 2004

133๐Ÿ‘ 302๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jesus is the one aspect of christianity that most people who hate christians can not shit on. Despite all the bullshit that has been done over the years the basic idea of what Jesus was all about is untouchable. Jesus was about LOVE the churtch is about POWER, I am a Catholic I know the bullshit that goes on, but as much as I try I can't find a flaw in Jesus...

However if you have seen The Last Temptation of Christ you'd find that idea of Christ (being flawed and doubting) more beleivable than the idea that he took his passion with grace. I think Jesus would of been better as a full human being who sinned but still found his path.

by Paul Ross Fletcher (seth) April 22, 2006

68๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž


a pretty awesome guy & my savior. he didn't consider himself above others. he preached about loving all other people and helping everyone and not judging or discriminating. he really didn't like "holier then thou" attitudes (Matthew 6:5-25). he led by example. i believe that he was the Son of God and that he was crucified for our sins- which would be a pretty strange thing to do if he wasn't all about LOVE- and that he rose again.
Christianity is the religion that follows him, and it sucks that there is so much corruptuin, ect. associated with it. Jesus preached help and love your neighbor (aka everybody), forgiveness, not judging, and that God is all about love (which is why he sent Jesus).
i think it's pretty interesting that people who say that they love Jesus turn around and hate on others based on their skin color, religion, or lifestyle choice.

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person 1: so what did you do this summer?

me: well i went with my refreshingly open-minded church on a mission trip to help people in that disaster area, rebuilding homes and child care and such. Cuz thats the kind of stuff Jesus was all about.

person 1: so y'all don't do those anti-people (that don't agree with everything you say so they are going to hell) rallies and giving half your salary so your religious leader can buy a ferrari cuz he said God spoke directly to him and told you to?

me: uhhh NO.

Jesus was a good guy. && my example is in the def.

by norway_babyy November 3, 2007

130๐Ÿ‘ 210๐Ÿ‘Ž


When somebody surprised by something.

Oh Jeeeeesssssuuuuussss.

by Mijjarras July 20, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž


savior, the great I Am, wonderful, author of salvation, counselor, mighty God, maker of heaven and earth, holy one, saving son, the king of every age, the almighty, yeshua, God of love, emmanuel, God with us!

Jesus conquered the grave. :)
it's all about Him.

hatred stirs up dissension, but love conquers all wrongs-proverbs 10:12.

by ninadedios January 29, 2009

261๐Ÿ‘ 336๐Ÿ‘Ž


An axclamation that indicates something heavy has dropped on your foot or similar unexpected event.

Jesus! which one of you brain surgeons dropped the hammer on my foot.

Anyway, I was explaining to her, oh Jesus - did you drop that one? It stinks!

by JapaneseMaths September 7, 2007

149๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž