National give your girl a hoodie and take her on a date today
November 1st is the day to give your crush a hoodie if she's cold and shivering.
November 1st of every year we celebrate Leave Your Parents Alone Day. The kids have a ton of candy, TV and video games. They do not need a nutritious dinner for once. Parents are allowed to do anything they want to, including participating in eating candy, watching TV and playing video games. Kids are not allowed to fight, or everything gets taken away from all of the kids (even the innocent ones), and they are sent into solitary confinement for the remainder of the day.
November 1st is Leave Your Parents Alone Day
November 1 is national middle child day
Middle child: GUESS WHAT
oldest: what?
Youngest: how?
Middle: um ITS NOVEMBER 1
Oldest and youngest: oh god.
National Abuse Munroe day. This is they say you can physically or mentally abuse someone named Munroe.
November 1 is national Abuse Munroe day
Boy: Hey can I kiss you?
Girl: why?
Boy: because it’s kiss your bf/gf day on November 1
November 1st
Its the day when everybody forgets about Thanksgiving after Halloween and sets up for Christmas
Mom: time to set up for Christmas it's November 1st
Me: but what about Thanksgiving?
Mom: no one cares about that holiday
November 1st is the day where you can smack anyone’s butt
Sarah: hey it’s November 1st go smack someone’s butt
You: ok