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Slushy Pineapple

The act of cutting out a whole in a pineapple. Having sex with it. Finishing inside the pineapple. Then taking a fork/knife and slushing it all together. Sweet yet salty. The ONLY problem with this drink is that after about 10 you have to get your stomach pumped.

I'm very thirsty, would you mind making me a slushy pineapple?

by D-rok 817 January 11, 2011

7👍 5👎

busch slushie

When you go down on a girl (who has a bush) after she has first showered, but then went outside on a cold winter day.
Alternate- when you drink a Busch that has been in the freezer for the perfect amount of time to obtain the correct mixture of ice and Busch.

After a hard day of work, I had the best Busch slushie that my wife could make.

by AnonymousBusch July 26, 2014

slut slushie

The female vagina juice from hoes.


Jahal: *goes to sit in desk* "Dude! What the fuck is on this chair?"

Cornelius: "Ahhh man! Looks like Brittany left behind some slut slushie. Oh well fuck it."

Jahal: "Fucking gross man."

by Unicorn blazers January 3, 2016

Anal Slushie

When you take a nasty ass watery shit in your underwear and it's still sitting in your anus

Aw Man! i just had the worst anal slushie ever! this is what I get for eatin at the zoo.

by broken dick May 5, 2019

Feeling Slushy

Feeling good but also dead at the same time.

Jay: Bro, I’m feeling slushy.
Brooke: Slushy? I’ll buy you some beer.

by El—Oh—El August 15, 2023

roadside slushie

When you add road salt to your drink. Take a handful of gray slush off of the sidewalk and mix it in with a Cherry Coke. Shake well.

The lady at the poison control help line laughed when I told her I took a big swig of a roadside slushie

by AndrewIsntCool March 17, 2021

Michael Slushie

the ultimate slushie and monster mango loco combo.

Jaysus that Michael Slushie was amazing

by MichaelSlushie May 19, 2019