Source Code

Warren Ellis

The Internet Jesus. A writer who has more comics in collected trades than any other writer.

Has written "Transmetropolitan," "Global Frequency," "Doktor Sleepless," and many more.

"Damn, fool, tha' Warren Ellis drinks too many damn red bulls just to finish a script!"

by chirs chris January 7, 2008

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Warm Warren

When you have shit on your hand (from yourself or someone else), then proceed to stuff your hand down another person's throat. Named after the late great Warren E. Beatty.

"Dude, that guy shit on my hand! I'm gonna go give him a Warm Warren."

by L, J, M, A, P September 12, 2003

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crab warren

A rather deep minge infested with crabs that live in its maze of tubes!

I got crabs off that random whore I shagged last night! It was a right fuckin crab warren down there like!!!

by Minge Teaser May 22, 2006

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Warren Sapp

Condition characterized by chronic diaria of the mouth, bloated buffet impacted colon, and personalitous horses-asses. Common to former professional football players named Sapp. Syptoms include frequent criticism of your coach and teammates. outbreaks of profanity when cameras are not rolling, and blatant cheap shot blind sighted hits against opponents.

I once had a chance. but now I'm a Warren Sapp, I should have listened to Leon Spinks and stayed in school, cause I sure am a fool. Maybe I can learn to rap, but then there's always the deep fryer job at Denny's.

by Pollo Negro October 2, 2005

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Warren Moon

Warren Moon was the star Quarterback for the Houston Oilers from 1984 to 1993. He is, without a doubt, the best Quarterback ever. Most people say Dan Marino... but only because they fail to add in Warren Moon's CFL day statistics to his total. If you do, you'll see that Moon is the superior quarterback.

Career Statistics:

Pass Attempts: 9205 (847 more than Marino)
Pass Completions: 5357 (390 more than Marino)
Pasing Yards: 70553 (9192 more than Marino)
Passing TD's: 435 (15 more than Marino)

Moon was just... better.

Warren Moon is better than Dan Marino. Deal with it.

by Overlord Hikash September 15, 2004

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Warren Ball

The act of sucking dick. Putting another guy's dick in one's mouth.

Dude hes gay, he warren balled that kid last night.

by heyyyheyyyheyy May 16, 2009

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curtis warren

The biggest and richest english drug baron to ever be caught. Worth and estimated $225 at his arrest in Holland in 1996. Known as "The Cocky Watchman" or "Cocky"

His power was such that he could directly effect the price of Cocaine on British, Irish and other european streets. He had a direct hotline to the Cali cartel in Colombia, dealt with the Turkish godfathers of Heroin and had unlimited credit with the cannabis dons of North Africa.

Joe: he moves as much weight as Curtis Warren...
John: shit.

by Mr. Tee October 4, 2007

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