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Dingle Berries

A mans testicles. The low hanging fruit.

That guy's Dingle berries are furrier then a kiwi fruit basket.

by Ivhadaharday June 15, 2017


folks on the outer rim of DeSantis and Trump orbits

Look at this dingle-berry who will say anything to try to ingratiate himself to DeSantis.

by June 2, 2023

Dingle berry

A little peice of yummy dried up caca hanging on for dear life on you vaginal/asshole/anus/nutt pubicles.

Joselyn grabbed her big, juicy, old Dingle berry and ate it as a sweet treat.

by Roxana Asgarzadie February 5, 2024

dingle berry

A dingle berry is a word used to described a silly/annoying/rude person

person 69 - oMg piNk iS sUcH aN uGlY cOlOuR, i hATe iT!1!1!

person 21 - omg shut up, you're such a dingle berry

by xXDemon_SlayerxX February 14, 2021

Dingle Berry

A piece of shit that is stuck to your ass hair

I have a dingle berry stuck to my fucking asshole

by Single Berry October 5, 2019

dingle berry

dingle berry means a piece of poo hanging on butthairs.

You are a dingle berry.

by kayelyn April 9, 2021

Dingle-berry-piss cereal

A bowl full of cope

Skiddy ate dingle-berry-piss cereal for dinner tonight. Must’ve choked the 1v5 again.

by NudusRex August 15, 2023