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Ahh God!

A phrase used to express the pain of when you break your wrist and need a stretcher, ambulance and/or a wheelchair.

Corey: "Ahh god! I broke my wrist ahh god! It hurts so bad!! Ahh god!!"

by Ahh God!! May 19, 2008

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oohs and ahhs

wow,get attention from the crowd

Just more than 6 minutes into Sunday's first-round win over Army, Candace Parker drew oohs and ahhs from the crowd in Norfolk

by away631 May 19, 2008

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goofy ahh


goofy ahh AASJAJAJahJhJAAJAHaajahAaagHagaagGahGaHGaHa

by soysauce6969420hehefunnny November 15, 2022

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ahh go on

3 words that can get an irishman anything he wants when accompanied by a wink and a smile.

so i was talking to this bird in the bar so i asked her

"dya wana go back to my gaff for some sex,ahh go on"

then i winked and smiled and sealed the deal

by Andrew Guest March 24, 2008

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Ahh Christ

When something imediately goes horribly wrong.

My girl is pregnant. "Ahh Christ"

by mandylovesrobeks February 9, 2007

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Goofy Ahh

A cringe set of unfunny and low effort memes in which zoomers overlay overused cartoons FX over a 4:3 tiktok video then proceed to laugh like it's the funniest shit they've ever seen

Normie: Quandale Dingle Goofy Ahh haha!!!!!!!
Chad: Not funny didn't laugh

by Not funny didn't laugh police July 7, 2022

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Goofy Ahh

A character from Disney's Mickey Mouse. Although lesser known, Goofy's last name is actually "Ahh". If someone calls you a "Goofy Ahh" they mean you are a very cool person who is almost as cool as Goofy himself.

Person 1: Hey look! It's Mickey Mouse!
Person 2: Yeah, and there's Goofy Ahh!

by VYDEOS October 4, 2022

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