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28th amendment

the amendment that allows the act of slavery inside

i commend the 28th amendment at that african male

by Pickle mickle April 7, 2021

28th Amendment

You can't out pizza the hut.

Me: Let's make homemade pizza.
My friend: Ok, but remember the 28th Amendment.

by getthefuckoutofmywayufuckinhoe February 28, 2020

Pursed amendment

When a you buy a woman a Louis Vuitton, she's got to give it up.

You bought me an LV, Let's go fuck. It's the pursed amendment

by Andy the pirate June 14, 2021

times amended

idk mama and them always did say it. i think it means time has refined us.

how times amended...

by susiescout March 1, 2017

Second Amendment

In the context of American law and politics, the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms. In the United States, you are allowed to use armed weapons (not just guns) to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The amendment was written into law because the Founding Fathers knew that states start becoming tyrannical by disarming its populace in order to oppress them. Effectively, this amendment ensures that Americans are able to defend themselves against tyranny to protect their rights.

It’s part of the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

The Second Amendment is the personification of ‘Mercia, baby!”

by Southern Twink June 30, 2024

5👍 2👎

14th Amendment

Hey, remember how I made a 14th amendment argument for my thing? Roe vs Wade is predicated on the 14th amendment! What happened to your 'rights' shit-head? My thing was happening before yoiur thing wasn't it? And youuuuu... What? Didn't give a shit. That's what. You didn't give a shit. Remember? 'You wouldn't care if it was me' Remember when I said that? Situations like this are what that statement applies to. You get it. So I guess... Shit em out or keep em closed then, huh? You sure showed me.

Hym "Yeah, the 14th amendment is dope. If only people gave a shit about it as much as I do! But they don't. Which is why Roe vs Wade gone! The shit-libs only care when it's them and the zealots think that there are more important things than 'rights.' Like, for example, doing what their incest God wants. So... Yeah, told you so. When you undermine the thing upon which your rights are predicated you kind of undermine your rights and make it easy for charlatans and zealots to take them away. And now neither of us have them. And why? Because you're like the gazorpazorp female dictatorship. 'Ok. Fine. I was going to crush you with a boulder. I just didn't want to admit you were right!' So... You know... There you go! Enjoy that. You're going to lose the next election too and they're using my rhetoric to galvanize their base so... Remember who you lost to... It's me. I'm better. You are worse. Enjoy equality. We're equal now! Hurray equality! I didn't have 14th amendment right and now you don't either! Wooooooo equality!!!"

by Hym Iam July 6, 2024

14th amendment

Oh no! The 14th amendment!? OH NO! We care so much about that (now and not 7 years ago when I was saying exactly that! Remember? Remember when I was saying this was a violation of that exact thing? And now they're doing it to you and now it's a national emergency? Remember?)

Hym "Hey, do you REMEMBER that? When I was saying that thing? About how why this was wrong? But ONLY NOW THAT IT AFFECT A FUCKING WHORE does anyome give a shit about it. The WHORE who's running around getting raw dogged by every fat cock she meets behind he boyfriends back... NOW THAT IT AFFECTS HER and that the gallom od semen she's pouring into herself my have a tangible consequence... NOW THE 14TH AMENDMENT MATTERS! ONLY NOW does it matter. Because 'ThEy'Re gOiNg To UsE iT tO tAkE mY dEcIsIoN-cOnSeQuEnCe pRiViLeGeS aWaY!' Fucking trash! You're absolute garbo!"

by Hym Iam March 4, 2024