Source Code

Nigerian Enema

When a group of gangsters shove a wooden broomstick up a man's anus as far as it will go(using some Crisco if needed), then places their foot at the entry point, and breaks the broomstick off inside the anus.

We had to give the snitch a Nigerian enema.

by BigT1985 November 14, 2017

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Nigerian Wipe

The simple act of wiping your anus using your right hands forefingers to wipe the shit then rinse the shit off your fingers using your bathroom sink. Repeat until anus is fully clean.

I had no toilet paper left, who the fuck would use their socks? I ussed the Nigerian Wipe.

by KeenanMcAuley November 20, 2016

nigerian sponge

A nigerian sponge is a term commonly used to define dickheads who think there better than everybody else, but actually are hipacritical douchebags who sit on there ass all day playing call of duty.

Bob is such a nigerian sponge.

by King dumbass the 4th March 17, 2016

Nigerian Toothbrush

The act of taking a hairbrush and inserting it into a woman's anal cavity to remove any leftover poop. Then using the newly obtained substance as a alternative toothpaste.

Bro have you heard of the Nigerian toothbrush?
Dude stop, half the stuff you are talking about is illegal.

by Zeroisbeyond February 16, 2022

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Nigerian scammer

Basically my dad

"Man, i got slapped by a Nigerian scammer" -Man 1
"good, you deserved it" -Man 2

by aids and titties November 13, 2019

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Nigerian Roundhouse

While having 2 strap ons strapped to each of your hipbones you twist around as if you are using a hoola hoop and smack all 3 of the dicks across her face until she gets knocked out if you (as the male) stop because you get tired you must give all the strap ons to the women and have her do it to you.

Jamie lost to Diana last night while playing Nigerian Roundhouse.

by IgotoUplandHIGHplzshootitup October 24, 2017

nigerian spaceprogram

Sticking a lit firework rocket up ones ass

Jeff wanted to do the nigerian spaceprogram so he showed a lit firework rocket up his ass

by Cyka_Bliat December 16, 2016