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jordan ashleigh

she is the baddest of baddest bitches 💅🏽 girl can suck sum dick!! can steal your man quick. most likely has nose piercings & a beautiful smile. 😀 lonely on the inside & overthinks alot but strives to be a nfl wife. 🙏🏽

jordan ashleigh girl i love you!!!

by realassho November 22, 2021

ashleigh doesn’t love Ethan

The act of of a Girl named Ashleigh with brown hair and green eyes, sometimes blue, who hates A guy named Ethan. Ethan probably had blonde hair and it’s curly. brown eyes and a large love for ashleigh. but for some reason Ashleigh does not like him at all. she despises him very much

Friend 1: i don’t like you

Friend 2: Ashleigh doesn’t love Ethan either

by EthanLovesAshleighBigMuch March 28, 2021

Ashleigh of Karens

Similar to a m'lady of neckbeards, a group of teenage karens is an "ashleigh." Not to be confused with a group of older karens which is a "kate."

Oh no, it's pumpkin spice season! Prepare yourselves for the ashleigh of karens all dressed in their Han Solo outfits!

by Enix Luceous July 10, 2023

Ashleigh M

Definitely a weirdo, stays up late at night, always parties, loves chipotle, and guys ;) definitely a hottie, very protective, likes Mexican music, probably a southern girl who was a lifeguard at some point in her life, loves the sea, and turtles, probably in a sorority too.

Guy 1: yo who is that? She's hot!

Guy 2: I don't know but with an ass like that her name must be Ashleigh M!!

by Somecollegeguy October 23, 2019

Ashleigh Mai O'neill

A gorgeous girl, normally has brown wavy hair, that is always loving her friends and expensive things.

Omg did you see Ashleigh Mai O'neill? She's so pretty!

by Lil Taehyung April 29, 2019

Ashleigh Davidson

Ashleigh Davidson is sooo cool she is cooler then any other loser (looking at you skanky hanky and SAAG) she is amazing and WILL roll you for ur tns

"Omg did you see how cool Ashleigh Davidson is" skanky hanky said to SAAG
"Ikr, she is so cool i want to be her friend so bad" replied SAAG

by MA DICK FELL OFF November 13, 2019

Ashleigh rafferty

Ashleigh rafferty is the most blurt person alive! She’s super pretty and expecially is a #girlboss.

Wow! Have you seen Ashleigh rafferty? She’s so pretty and look how blurt she is :D

by Scorg66 July 19, 2021