Any drink, except water, which you must have with you at all times, especially when having a meal. To fail to obtain a bev when consuming a meel will and should result in continuous harassment, until one has retrieved their bev.
A word by the annoying fuck who wouldn’t stop crying lucy from love island . It means cancer .
Bev is a word of wisdom and also the wise creator of jib you probably don’t know Bev but Bev knows you
To check Snap Maps profusely; stalking all added friends on Snapchat.
Bro, where is Lindsey?? Actually I’ll just Bev it.
Bev cannot be defined or determined. It must be sensed by the highest bevs of all time. Bev is a gift that one must not abuse or it will result in death. It is truly amazing.
He has Bev man! I want to be like him.
The most heartless and emotionless cuntbag that feels or has no remorse. The most vile name given to a human being . A unit of measure of vileness.
Eating two metric tons of horseshit is better than eating one Bev.