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whoever that bitch is who keeps writing about fucking blast as if its any of her business needs to shut the fuck up. Honestly, what's more pathetic, that we do a show you don't like, or that you take the time to A-watch it, and B-write fucking essays online about it?? Jesus Christ, why don't you get a fucking life? You're on CHEERLEADING and you're calling girls in Blast sluts? are you serious?? You think it's more impressive to kick your legs *hopefully* at the same time and spell out words real nice and loud than it is to sing songs and do actual dancing on a stage where people pay money to watch it? Who comes to see you "perform"? People come to games to watch the PLAYERS and possibly, to look up your skirts when you jump up and down, which isn't demeaning at all. By the way, what the hell is wrong with you that you hate or are just afraid of homosexuals to this point? Repressed emotions maybe? Maybe you're just fucking nuts, but it's people like you that start wars and join the KKK and make the world an angry and intolerant place. I hope you read this someday and feel sick to your stomache that you were such a repulsive person. What right do you have to make judgements about people your age for their sexual orientation or choice to dance on stage or on a football field? By the way, what girl talks like you? My god, ever heard of class? where'd you learn how to speak english, the howard stern show?Buy a fucking dictionary for god's sake.

what example of you being a bitch could i possibly use that'd be more accurate than your own entry?

by blastgirl May 8, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


First off Blast from my Ass isn't a recruiting station for faggots then what is it? A bunch of talented students? Ha! I laugh when I see that. Want some talent make do a NEW show once in I donโ€™t know 20 years. As for the history of this show itโ€™s so great. Letโ€™s blast to the past for the past of blast shall we? The director before was a man who gave out solos to girls who would suck his dick... yea o you can sing? Well can you suck dick? Thatโ€™s where the talent was until like 5 years ago... and for your talent now it sucks.
You do the same lame ass show every year. If you had some mother fucking talent then maybe you could do a new show. Or maybe if the people could sing or the dancers could dance or the director could get Mr. Figers dick out of his ass and direct maybe it might be decent.... haha you think your talented? Why donโ€™t you perform in a play outside of Churchill see how far you go...And I am an ugly piece of shit well I donโ€™t need 3 tons of makeup to look half way decent you fucking whores of Churchill. Blast from the past is a play about the weird ass shits coming out of their holes once a year to perform a play... and I donโ€™t know which group loves the cock more the girls in this play or the guys... Girls show some respect and learn from me and yes I am a girl not a guy... and I have too much time on my hands haha you responded I guess u donโ€™t have anytime either well obviously you are in blast... Finally, to sum this definition all up...all the girls in blast are girls that could not cheer along side me or be in poms this is the dumping grounds for the rejects of this school. For the guys in blast either love the cock or couldn't tough it out on a real team. Go frolic around you fags and think that you are dancing. Haha Blast is SHIT now and forever and don't you forget about it...

Smart man- Look at these no talent fuckers why are they wasting their day. None of them will be on Broadway in their life this isn't worth anything to watch or hear. If I put this play on SNL people would laugh. They wouldnโ€™t think these kids are for real. These stupid blasties think they actually have fucking talent.

Smart women- Yeah and look at these girls all up on these men... get a life respect your self... These women have no respect stupid dykes. Come on I am going to do something productive with my life and it will help me in my future unlike these waste of breath human beings.

by Blast Sucks Harder Than Paris Hilton May 6, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Recruiting station for the faggots of churchill. Can also be referenced to the gay/straight alliance.
2. Can you say stupid? What are these plays about.
3. Overpriced play about songs that you hear on a hard core white station.
4. Makes kids think they have a future in art and threate when they should realize that blast is a joke and no one outside of churchill cares.
5. How to get a solo 10 years ago Women suck the directors dick. How to get a solo now... be a man and suck the directors dick.
6. Allowing the wierd fucks to come out of their hole one time a year.

I can not believe I just paid 10 dolalrs to see Jeff Thrum wear make up... queer...

Why is he dancing with another man? Did I just spend my Friday night watching men dance together in tights.

Student 1 - Why have they been practicing this? What 's there to practice about dancing around faggots...
Student 2 - Don't you get it? It's for the blast director he's a fag and he wants to watch kids dance and be a high school R. Kelly.

by Mellion February 18, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


slammed with a cock and or fingers to the point of pain.

man you got so blasted last night it wasnt even funny!

by your mom December 28, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Being high on shrooms, weed, and various cheap alcohols.

"We were so blasted last night I don't remeber shit!"

by L.Joooo September 11, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Honestly i dont even know how to respond to that last definition. Instead of trying to come up with something funny to say back i think ill just let you go on hating Blast since you seem to be the only person...but i must say your insults were impressive...it must have taken you weeks to come up with some of those jokes. As i said before, we dont really care if you enjoy it, since its mostly for us that we do it anyway. And as for you being a cheerleader, sweet now when i go to games i'll know which one you are, the fat ugly one who cant dance and couldnt make Blast herself, which was obviously why any of your bullshit was written in the first place. I actually feel sorry for someone who has enough hate as to have such harsh feelings towards someone because of their sexual preferance. Where did u come from? this is Potomac not Alabama. And youre probably right, there are some people with little or no talent in Blast yet they STILL made it over you, so wow you must suck balls just like the rest of us right? Well now im gonna go do homework or something intellegent while you sit here on your ass staring at the computer screen trying OH SO hard to come up with more comebacks. You must also be a huge pussy if you're so afraid to say any of this out loud instead of writing it online. In stead of responding again, leave your email address and we can talk about this one on one,or face to face if you have the balls(which you probably dont).

Love your Idol,

P.S. I cant belive you're a cheerleader @ CHS and YOU'RE tell ME to respect myself?

Me: Wow look at that cheerleader she sucks Im almost embarassed for her.
Blaster: Ohh maybe thats the bitch whos been writing all that shit about Blast on Urbandictionary.com! Lets go beat her ass!
Me: OH YEAH! No wonder shes so bitter look @ her! Haha no shes embarassed herself enough to last her a life time we dont need to go fight her to make her look bad.

by BlastDiva05 May 8, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


okay this is for the bitch that says balst is for girls that could not make cheerleading and poms....bitch we have pommies and cheerleaders in blast. see how much your bitch ass knows. don't say there isn't any talent in the show until i hear you sing and try to perfrom for hundreds even thousands of people every year. untill you do that then you can say something. for your info we have people that are fmaous now from doing blast if u watched the new show on wb with fran fine her son on the show is a former chs student that did blast and we have tons of other people doing awesome things. you and your oversized self can go sit in a corner and starve herself and throw so u can show everyone you can cheer and spell. wow you know how to spell "score" and "dawgs" omg! when did we learn that kindergarden. i hate people like you that judge without knowing a damn thing. an as for me i wa sin balst and i will be singing in constitution hall in two weeks. see if we dont have talented people now. I bet ur bitch ass cant even dance. You call cheerleading and poms real dancing. oh i want you to go to the clubs and go to PG schools and tell me whose the real dancers. i bet you have CRD caucasion rhythm downsyndrome. i dont even know why i'm wasting my time leaving you a message.


blastchica: can u beleive that girl was hatin because she didnt get in blast.
blastdiva05: she tried to insult blast but she got knocked the fuck out.

by blastchica05 May 11, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž