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Blue Anon

People that believe conspiracy theories that everyone from the President to their neighbors dog is a racist, White Supremacist, Russian Spy who is plotting to overthrow democracy, and they can prove it by citing obscure dog whistles that only the people involved in the conspiracy and the conspiracy theorists themselves can hear. These conspiracies are often fed by the news and big tech that continually tells them what to fear through lies and stories that need to be retracted the day later.

This is all done while believing that they alone know the truth and anyone that doesn't believe that the president, the entire DOJ, Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, Robert Mueller, and their neighbors dog are White Supremacist, Russian Spies are conspiracy theorists.

"There is going to be a massive armed uprising on 1-20-21, no now it's 3-4-21, no it didn't happen because now it's 3-30-21, you have to be afraid even though it keeps not happening, trust me, I'm Blue Anon and we fight conspiracies"

Of course he still believes the Covington Kids are guilty, he's Blue Anon.

Of course he still believes that Jussie Smullet was attacked by MAGA racists in CHICAGO of all places, and it wasn't a hoax he's Blue Anon.

Of course he believes that denying Tulsi Gabbard was a Russian spy, proves she is a Russian Spy, he's Blue Anon.

You might be Blue Anon if you were against the COVID vaccine before Biden won, but support it after the election and don't realize you changed your stance.

If you believe that speech is violence and violence is free speech, you might be Blue Anon.

Blue Anon, it's like Qanon, only the media supports the crazies

by smurfdance March 21, 2021

Blue Anon

A reactionary fabrication created to imply that there is an equal amount of fabrication and sesnationalism in the American poltical environment on the left and right.

Man, those QAnon guys are nuts!
They're not as bad as Blue Anon.
That's not a thing.

by IShouldntHaveToExplainThis March 23, 2021

Blue Anon

Much like the equally crazy Q Anon, Blue Anon is a political conspiracy movement that consists of people believing unverified or outright false conspiracy theories, this includes the Russian collusion falsehood, the Piss story and recently the organized militia coup, all of which have zero basis in fact and is nothing but conspiracy.

If you thought Q Anon was bad, just wait until you see Blue Anon, they genuinely destroy lives using conspiracy theories.

by Sir Fairweather March 10, 2021

Blue Anon

Right Wing attempt to make Democrats look as crazy as they are. Label used to support existence of "alternative facts" and shame voters into doubting truthful, professional journalism that follows long-held standards.

In particular, the label brands Democrats as conspiracy theorists because they:

*Are aware of the details of the Mueller report and the Trump impeachment investigations around Russia and Ukraine -- mainly the neither Mueller nor Trump's own DOJ exonerated him.

*Are aware of the intent of Jan 6th insurrectionists to disrupt the Democratic process, cause bodily harm to elected representatives, and return for additional assaults as evidenced by video, photographs, witness testimony and right wing internet chatter.

*Showed concern over electing Brett Kavanaugh to the highest court in the land after allegations of sexual assault and misconduct towards women were supported by witness testimony and circumstantial evidence.

*In the interest of supporting protected minority groups, believed Jussi Smollett's claims of being a hate crime victim until he was exposed as a fraudster.

This attempt to shame average truth- believing Americans is a right wing ploy to shift attention away from the embarrassment known as QAnon, and the susceptibility of their followers to internet conspiracy theories, slanted amateur journalism, and outright falsehoods told by their party's figurehead, Donald Trump.

"Blue Anons actually think January 6th insurrectionists are still a threat to Washington DC."

by I-Read-Books November 4, 2021

Blue Anon

A loosely organized network of democratic voters, politicians, and media personalities who spread left-wing conspiracies such as true Russia hoax, Jussie Smollet hoax, Ukraine hoax, Covington kids, and Brett Kavanaugh hoax.

Hey did you see that brace democrat sitting on the capitol steps on March 5 to “send a message to Qanon?”

“Uh,yea, that was blue Anon, yo.”

by Mr. burgerandfries March 7, 2021

Blue anon

A mainstream fear monger cult that uses MK Ultra psychic driving techniques to spread left-wing conspiracy theories such as Russian Hoax, Jussie Smollet Hoax, Ukraine Hoax, Covington Kids Hoax, peaceful protests hoax and Climate catastrophe hoax.

Blue Anon adherents fervently believe that right-wing extremists are going to storm Capitol Hill any day now and "remove" lawmakers from office, hence the need for the deployment of thousands of National Guard stationed at the US Capitol.

by FAKESPOONS March 7, 2021

Blue Anon

The combined conglomeration of internet giants such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook, the media giants at the big three television organizations, the NYT and online bloggers that push the conspiracy theory that a secret Q-Anon group of white supremacist insurrectionists will storm federal government buildings.

These individuals do so to give justification for the Democrat party to use the intel community and court systems to persecute their political opponents as well as building fences around the Capitol buildings.

"You think a bunch of truckers in MAGA hats are going to topple the federal government? You listen to too much Blue Anon bullshit, you're a full-on retardate".

by Bitter Clinger March 11, 2021