Used to describe a wanna be red-neck.
He claims he was raised the the South, but he's just a blush-neck.
That feeling when you’re the happiest you’ve ever been, and your ears get all hot and red.
Either can be because of a person, thing, or action! It’s because of something that made you happy!
ear blush is when your ears start to get all hot and red
When someone of African or Caribbean descent starts to blush
Stop you’re gonna make me nigga-blush
When a black person blushes
Shaniqua: “You fine!!!!”
Tyron: “Chillll you’re gonna make me nigga blush”
When a person of deep skin tone (usually black) blushes, but it is hard to see because of their chocolate complexion
Jazmine's crush walked by and she "chocolate blushed"
A blush baby is someone who easily gets flustered.
Person 1: You look really good today!
Person 2: Th-thanks.. *currently blushing*
Person 1: Wow, you're a blush baby!
A person that gets flustered very easily.
Person 1: Hey, looking really good today!
Person 2: Th-thankth.. *currently blushing*
Person 1: You're such a "blush baby!"