A bunch of dumbasses in a small country.
Man1: hey are you racist?
Man2: no, bit the british push it close
69๐ 42๐
people with the best quality teeth, the fanciest noses, and the best accent
jack: 'ello mate owr ye doin'?
harry: no'in mucc mate jus' eat'n moi crispity crunchy munchy cracker jack nibbler crack n' pop queens lovely jubly delights, mutt
jack: oi se' ee got dem stroipees twwou moit
harry: ye' ye'moit it costed me fiftoi pounds moit its jus' nor'al bri'ish ponds
jack: oim jast showin off me nyew stroipees
british cop: OUD YE GE' EM???????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jack: Pounds moit
british cop: oiuyt den' ye av a gud on
17๐ 9๐
Britain, (England, Scotland, Wales, NORTHERN Ireland)
I'm British, from England, near Manchester (yes, Manchester United)
England is an amazing place, people have GOOD dental hygiene, the most BLOODY BRILLIANT music (youtube house music and most of all dupstep, fucking loveee it, in fact if you're american google BBC Radio 1 and listen to it, it ROCKS), probably the best literature (come on, Shakespeare and JK Rowling?), the BEST drink in the world (tea of course, very good with some yummy biscuits), i we swear alot also, heads up ;)
Americans reading this, i HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO LIVE IN AMERICA. i have always loved your 'who gives a fuck' attitude, i have some friends that live in New York and they are some of the best people i know!! we aren't nice, friendly, respectful people that can take the piss out of ourselves and have such a sly sense of humour that most americans won't understand! (not calling you thick/stupid at all)
(okay we complain 25/8 about anything e.g. weather, teenagers, money, banks, clothes, schools, david cameron (prime minister), news, other people etc.)
I LOVE where i live, but i also LOVE America, i'm happy that our countries have such close relations, how much we have to offer each other, and the people that live in these places.
Seriously though, look up Dupstep (UKF stuff is good) and House, that music is probably the best thing since sliced bread. BBC Radio 1 play it aaaaaaaall the time.
British people aren't stuck up wankers with bad teeth just as much as American people are fat ignorant twats!
25๐ 18๐
A word describing a Briton, used by Indians (in India) to describe their former British imperial masters. Usually not very perjoritive in India, although more so in 19th. cent. U.S.A. May conjure up the image of the starchy "burra-sahib" of the British Empire.
The Britishers built the railways in India, and unified the country.
33๐ 29๐
The most intelligent and inventive race of people on the planet, invented almost everything useful in the world today apart from the CRT , the AC motor and the Helicopter.
If its not a British invention or no Brit had a hand in its invention/conception/use then its not worth having.
The British list, although this is only a small percentage of British Inventions;
Micrometers , DC Motors , Internal Combustion Engines , External Combustion Engines , Computers , The Internet , The Lightbulb , Engineering , Pies , Pasties , Ale , Acurate Newpapers , Darius Turbines , The Jet Engine , The Radial Engine , Proplers (Air and Sea), War Ships , Rifles , Bombs , The Nuclear Reactor , Nuclear Power , The Police Force , The Air Force , Dog Fights , Cock Fighting , Football , Rugby , Hockey , Polo , Polo Mints , Heat Seeking Missiles , Radar , Sonar , Lasar , Lasar Gun Sights , Trains , Hovercraft , Pubs , Fish & Chips , Cotton Cloathing , Peace in Europe (TWICE) , Sterio , Radio , Printers , Typewriters , The Dictionary (admitedly not this one) , Phones , Mobile Phones , Standard Measurments , Barometers , VHS , DVDs , CDs , Cameras , Camera Flashes , Commandos , After Burners , Central Heating , Radiators , Deodorant , Chemical Warfare , Prison , The Aircraft-Carrier and everything to do with it , Torpedos , Submarines , Sea-Side Holidays , Pop-Music and THE Chart , Rock-Music , Motor Bikes , The Driving License , Double Glazing , Vacuum Cleaners , Lifts , Escalators , Machine Guns and The Tank.
156๐ 166๐
The incorrect way to say more than one British citizen. It sounds pretty funny, and it's fun to say, so why not?
Ziggy: Dude... Don't even lie. You're one of those Britishes. You can't hide it with your accent.
Zal: Shut up! I am not!
4๐ 2๐
Nice people who live in a country with a good history and nice nature, they don't live in average American houses, the average family lives in a small house. But that's usually very normal. American cartoons often mistake the British for highly boring people who were tuxedos and fancy outfits with a bowler hat or a top hat which always speak unusually from the past. The British capital city is London.
British: Hey, nice to meet you.
21๐ 27๐