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The Native American equivalent of a cow.

I went on a blind date with this bitch who worked at the casino, but it turned out she was a total buffalo.

by slds July 22, 2008

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a random person not truly invited to a party; thereby, ruining the entire party

"Dude, I didn't know what to do! I was surrounded by buffalo EVERYWHERE!"

by Capt. Frat April 28, 2009

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a rather fit person it can be split into the three seperate words (BUFF-A-LO) but is usually said all together

it origonates BUFF as in buff stuff

it can also be used in a sarcastic way against somone you hate

that boy is rather buffalo (an example of a fit person)

thatgeek is uber buff-a-lo (sarcastc tne)

by buffsoup March 25, 2008

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Noun: Any one of a number of bovine mammals, such as the African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) or the American Bison / American Buffalo (Bison bison).

Buffalo can be plural as well as singular.

Verb: To intimidate, cow, or baffle.

Proper Noun (Place): There are many, many places called Buffalo. The most famous of these is Buffalo, New York, in the United States.

Note: It's a stretch, but the word could be taken as an adjective, as in:
"George Romero is totally buffalo."

Due to these many meanings, the example below is a grammatically correct, full sentence. If you consider the word an adjective, you'd be able to lengthen it.

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

by Cobb's the name. June 14, 2011

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The auto-correct version of BFF during text messaging or IM-ing from a cellular device.

You are my Buffalo.

by sinny_2011 January 23, 2011

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The term used in the gay community to describe a boy or man (often teenage or young adult) who dresses up as a girl, frequently appearing in public or posting online pictures of themselves dressed as a female.

Unlike real transsexuals, and unlike drag queens, buffalos do not dress up for comic effect or from real belief they should be a girl. The exact reason varies with the person, but it tends to be from a mistaken belief that to be beautiful one must emulate "classical beauty", i.e. femininity.

Buffalos therefore often have deep self-image issues which manifest as dressing as something "beautiful", often coupled with a facade of overconfidence or swagger. Buffalos crave the attention given to their new "beautiful" appearance.

The term "buffalo"is derived from "Buffalo Bill", the tortured character in the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" who famously dresses up as a woman while saying "would you do me? I'd do me".

"I went to that new gay club and it was full of buffalos!"

by T-Two January 26, 2012

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A derogitory term for someone of flemish (belgium) decent.

That buffalo makes good waffles

by Vincent June 4, 2004

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