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big black bootylicious bunda boys

when the homies are too juicy

Owen likes big black bootylicious bunda boys

by gay ass nigga 117 September 28, 2021

21๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ruthonda with an amazing bunda

A sister of your bro who loves getting fucked by their friends

Aran sister is a Ruthonda with an amazing bunda

by Pgdesex October 25, 2023

bunda lengers

big fat booty

guy 1: oi she got that fat

roadman: bunda lengers
roadman 2: that gal got the mad bunda

by Ye mum November 22, 2021

Bunda lengers

Someone with a nice big bum

Boy 1: yo gyall your Bunda lengers styl ๐Ÿ˜
Girl 1: thank you your mega fit

by A2TRAPPYstyll January 7, 2022

Big bunda

When Alan, Ali,Nassar, Big T, Ock B, or Rawanka get a $500 chip from the nino.

โ€œOh my god big T i got a big bunda chip!โ€ said Alan.

by sixlover123 January 2, 2024


gyallies that think theyre so cool to vape in school bathrooms but some are overall nice but on the other hand the others are total sluts and bitches love u styll xox

broo you guys hears of the BUNDA GYALLS?
no bro who are they?
they are the gyallies vaping in school bathrooms

by I LOVE BUNDA November 22, 2021

bunda girls

a group of girls who like to ruin their lungs by vaping and smoking 24/7. think they're total baddies even though their not especially ginger alisha f word you alisha

omg why can't i open the toilet door

because the bunda girls locked themselves in there to vape

ohhh of course the bunda girls that makes sense

by bigbundahater101 November 22, 2021