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blanket burrito

When a person (usually one, can be more) lies on one end of a blanket and rolls to the other side with the starting end held, wrapping themselves up in the blanket. When finished they look just like a burrito.

Or a pig in a blanket, just with a human and an actual blanket

by Nae October 7, 2004

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chinito burrito

A burrito for Chinese people.
Can symbolize a big fat Egg Roll which is rolled up like a burrito.

Hey Kent, let's go to Acupulco and order a Chinito Burrito.

Hey Reyna, did you see that chinito burrito when we had for dimsum last weekend?

by tadowta July 6, 2006

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Feeble burrito

When you take your feeblest friend and roll them up into their own mattress to make them look like a human burrito.

Damn Nick, you just put Levi into a feeble burrito. SLOTH KIll!

by WindowLicker9000 February 4, 2010

Burrito Skin

The "burrito skin" is another word for the tortilla wrapper.

Went to a new diner and the veggie burrito was made with a homemade burrito skin Delicious!

by Carol T., Brooklyn NY September 20, 2009

Jesus Burrito

1. a theoretical burrito that Jesus Christ makes so hot that even he himself cannot eat it (usually said to be microwaved).
2. any burrito that is so hot that it can't be eaten by a mortal human (although Jesus probably could).
3. A burrito that is so hot it makes you see Jesus.
4. Archaic: A burrito that is so hot that it burns the sin right outta ya.

"Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?" -Homer Simpson

Ouch! That's a Jesus burrito! Es muy caliente!

by Markymarkle September 14, 2006

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meato burrito

a man's penis after not taking a shower for 2 weeks, a sloppy dripping stank dick

i bet taylor michel has a big sloppy "meato burrito", nasty bitch

by j lark & t-rav October 23, 2009

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Shake a burrito

To take a crap with the consistency similar to that of a burrito or as a result of eating burritos.

"That day began like most others for Achim. He got up to shake a burrito, spanked his monkey, and left for work..."

by "I don't know" May 31, 2009