Not funny anymore but still kills every argument when is said and the pray cant say anything except ma ja cu ti kazem or vec sam ti reko. (in some cases jebem te u nos is the right word)
Vojo dizi me!
-*Teammate umre*
voja: ma ti ce mi kazes?
yes. coolest person ever. very nice. can be mean if you put them in a mood.
wow, ce-lyssa is AMAZING
i love ce-lyssa
A person who is a total bitch despite people being kind and generous to her.
Nah, don’t mess with her she’s a dirty Ce.
he must have smoked grass recently because those CE's are coming thru.
A singular genderless term to refer to objects.
Using ce/cim or cer/cis.
Not meant to refer to people.
My car, ce has been doing well after I took cim to the workshop.
A expression frequently used for students that have to, unfortunately, take class with this personification of its own ego called JC.
- caralho tu viu oq o jc fez??? pau no cu do jota ce