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Catalina is a D1 coldstarter.

by DADDy Eifen November 10, 2022


a smelly monkey that likes rats and blue cheese

ugh its that stinky monkey catalina

by fuckcatalinas July 9, 2021

Catalina yuman green

Catalina Yuman green is very nice she is shy she enjoy to be around people very sweet to people and SURE loves animals she is tall or short depending how she is! She may not be a girly person she may be a tomboy people don’t talk to her that much she gets bored a lot but she has ideas! She love to draw she is a bit smart she always try her best and she try’s her best to make people happy she bites hard so maybe don’t mess with her that much she is lonely. Just some times.

Catalina Yuman green: hi
Someone: *leaves and doesn’t care*
Catalina Yuman green: oh it is fine..

by Nancy v June 18, 2021

Catalina Express

The Catalina Express Is a large yacht that stores around a hundred seats and it sells to the Catalina Island dock inside you can purchase commissary on your trip if you do not like sitting inside there's chairs outside of the lower deck as well as the top dick it's just a hour ride injoy lovercove

Let's all take a trip to the island of Catalina well were gunna have to use the catalina Express

by Kiso_1190738 May 15, 2020

Catalina Wine Mixer

The act of mixing methamphetamine with a strong opiate (heroin or fentanyl) to use for intravenous injection

We had to call an ambulance after my buddy did a Catalina Wine Mixer

When Dave did his shot he yelled "Fuckin Catalina Wine Mixer!!), I knew we were all in for a long evening

by SimpleJack42 October 14, 2020