If your a given manga fan then this is for you! Spam Chapter 20 of Given because that chapter is a nightmare and no one likes that chapter one bit so destroy your friends with this. :D
Chapter 20 was such a horrible chapter for Given fans and why not just have fun and spam the chapter 20 link over and over again to friends. So enjoy Spam your friends with Chapter 20 of Given day (June 20th)
Ruin your friends day and send them Chapter 20 of Given for all of my anime fans out there and we all must know how horrible that chapter was but Akihiko did nothing :D
Enjoy destroying your friends with Spam your friends with Chapter 20 of Given day (June 20th)
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Megaman Battle Network Chapter 49; Serenade.Exe: The First Juvenile Release.
The first chapter of Piggy: Book 2. This is probably the last chapter that will be released in early September.
Me: How do you beat Alleys!!? I am raging!
Some YouTuber: How to beat Chapter 1: Alleys: Guide.
Me: Watches, likes, subscribes and comments.
Da sub-section of bankruptcy-law/proceedings dat deals with large chains of convenience-stores and/or gas-stations.
Some years ago, I remember noticing dat da familiar red/orange/green/white "giant numeral" signs on convenience-store/filling-station establishments in my area had all changed their names to "Christy's", and they stayed dat way for many months before eventually reverting back to da way they had looked before. Sounds like da result of a major "Chapter 7-Eleven" proceeding to me!
Laverneschapter is a Instagram editor and who edits the person #zoelaverne and who is known as a #videostareditor who has 6k! Zoe has noticed them!! and followed!
Lavernes Chapter is a Instagram editor and has 6k followers on Instagram and the editing program is video Star
A chapter that takes a break from the plot, like filler episodes in anime.
Person 1: Man, that chapter was boring
Person 2: That, my son, was a breather chapter, we literally had, like, 10+ chapters filled with plot, let the story breathe.