It's said that after years of years of getting into Harry Potter thanks to someone else, there comes a time in every HP fan's time that they are ready to see this Chart
Wormtail>Cedric = Wormtail klled Cedric
Voldemort (Gave Wormtail's hand)> Wormtail
Using an awesome method by some smart dude, this refers that not only does Harry Potter PWN a premature little Vampire, but 4 times
Therefore, Harry Potter is 4x better than Twilight.
Suck it Vampires
The Harry Potter WINS over Twilight Chart Rules!
20👍 2👎
Difficulty chart obbies are fucking disgusting, Co spam, lazy as FUCK jumps, unbalanced shit stages, cringe As FUCK names, these obbies are fucking shit except some decent ones that Actually had some effort to it. Also I don't recommend this because it is absolute dog shit
The most disgusting shit I ever shat were difficulty chart obbies.
The ah chart shows how many h’s means in your ahs
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is very very extremely scared. Ah means a short fright or sarcasm. Ahh is sarcasm. Ahhhh is just right. The ah chart is always right
it's like squeezing the data out over a period of time or something
"it's like squeezing the data out over a period of time or something" - Chris Toothpaste Chart
Much like a shart, except instead of a little bit of shit escaping your asshole, it’s the Most recent load of cum that was ejaculated into ones rectum.
After having anal sex I thought I had to fart but i was actually charting and I came out of my ass
Used in crypto trading when someone posts bullish charts on social media after they have bought at the top of a spike or bull run to try and convince others that they were right and the market is about to bounce HARD and VERY SOON.
Bought At The Top (BATT)
There goes Jeff again, posting those BATT charts. He should just tell his wife she has to wait a few more years to get their money back and relax.
"Poopoo chart" is a word to use if you are constipated or need to track how many times you've pooed in a day/other measures of time.
"Ah! I must check my poopoo chart, today!"
"Have you pooed yet? Check your poopoo chart."