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Clifford Farm

Meaning to have a low cs ( creep score ) compared to everyone in the game called League of Legends.

Jungle Kayn: "Why does our Yorick have such a Clifford Farm".

Top Yorick: "Shut up I'm carrying your ass out of bronze".

by Justicale October 30, 2017


trustworthy person that never lets you down and always goes out of there way to help anyone. There very good looking and make all wemon have multiple orgasms at the drop of his pants. Always has the right answer to everything and his swag is godlike. If you happen to come across anyone with this name then you should bow to them becouse they are a God among men.

Let us pray to clifford in hopes that we can all be as perfect as him.

by ThePr0digalS0n April 22, 2023


it is a thing that contains no brain and acts in a stupid and irrationable manner.
it is known to be the ugliest living organism discovered and shown to man

I saw some Clifford's roaming in the bush ,their home.

by Cambrige April 18, 2022


a thing that contains no brain and acts in a stupid and irrationable manner.
It is known to be the ugliest thing ever created and it lives in the bushy areas of Zongo

I saw a Clifford walking in the jungle

by Cambrige April 18, 2022


Usually people that run like Ricky or another phrase for flash or sonic the hedge hog

That boy Clifford ran like Ricky

by Street knowledge and terms September 24, 2019


An adjective
Used for someone who`s horny 24/8, Milf Hunter, Addicted to your mom jokes, mentally and physically unstable,
Disclaimer: Do not leave any living or non-living item in a room with Clifford, he fucks everything with a hole.

"Yo, can you stop being Clifford to your friend's mom? She has a husband", Joe said.
"Nah,I ain`t gonna care since my name is Clifford as well", Clifford replies.

by LcLIM June 26, 2022


The greatest achievement.

She pulled a clifford.

by Oceans Ginsberg January 29, 2024