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a word that is used when you are confused and is stupid

This math problem is making me confuzzled

by Nyaniz570 September 23, 2015


To extremely confuse through action or words and cause headache.

"Emo kids really confuzzle me, kinda hurts."

by J.1 May 12, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


confused, puzzled a blend of the words confused and puzzled.

"i'm really confuzzled!"

by Jennie Littler-Murdoch November 10, 2006

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a state of confusion that has passed basic confusion a long time ago, and is headed towards utter confusion; brain is appearing to think like fuzz, which is not at all

Man, the new math teacher leaves me confuzzled as hell when he talks!

by maddison_1 June 18, 2008

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Confused + Puzzled = Confuzzled

It is the state in which you are too drunk or high to understand or comprehend anything.

Last night, I was so confuzzled that I mistakenly walked into the womens' washroom.

by Scrabble96 January 29, 2009

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verb: to confuze in a complex or unusual fashion

This mixture of Jelly and Cheese should confuzzle even the greatest lingists.

by SomeGuyInABikini October 3, 2003

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It basically means confused. But mixed with a "Snoop Dogg" style.

You make me so confuzzled sometimes.

by Mallory March 28, 2005

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