Eating cereal and milk out of a girls vagina.
“My girl let me snatch crackle and pop last night”
No Pop. Emerging music genre
Jane: I love the new Sara Jade song ! What genre of music do you think she is?
John: Snap & Crackle......No Pop.
When you laugh so hard you fart 💨
Farting caused by laughter
Also know as a Hoot-toot
Created and approved by a dad and his school aged boys due to a void in the English language to describe this scenario is a funny way.
You’re welcome.
The movie was so good I cackle crackled and it cleared out the room it was so stinky!
"Jeepers! Now that has got be the biggest group of cracklings I've ever seen!"
This phrase is mainly used when your in public and you either mess up or really mad and you don't want to say a long slur of swears.
"Snap, crackle, pop rice crispie treats"! I ripped my nail!