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A drink!!

can you cum?? i need to hydrate

by dicksucker384948 April 29, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The result of an ejaculation from a man; Considered a tasty treat by a select few.

Hey Sean, you sure you should drink that much cum?

Shut up dude, itโ€™s my favorite drink!

by Seandrinkscum April 2, 2020


Its that white shit thats comes out of your cock when you're playing with yourself. Or if your an girl and your jerking a male off they cum.

Girls can cum too (its sticky.)

"F-Fuck..I'm about to cum so hard baby.."

"Ple-please do. Cum inside of me! Pleaseeeโ€• S-SHIT..THERE! YES! THEREโ€• AHH"

"Sh-it your so good."

by Ilikehavingsexwithksi August 10, 2021


white cream comes out of your dick

I just made Cum in my paints

by ohwhatthefuckishere August 22, 2022



Boy: Oh my it's Colin (proceeds to aggressively cum)

by SirAlfordsheadboy May 11, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The biggest of tasty

My cum is a delicacy in southern Arabia

by HARDER U GUNNA MAKE ME COUM January 13, 2021


The white slimy shit that come outa your large hard cock when your feeling horny

Ohh daddy cum in my asshole with your large hard cock

Ok babe I will ahhhhhh ohh yea I already did๐Ÿ˜

by Cumywummycummaster6969 March 20, 2022