Someone who uses the android operating system, usually a chill tech sleuth.
I dunno im not really a droid dude....
Droid rights are like women's rights, but real.
Hey don't treat that droid so terribly! It has rights y'know! Droid Rights are a serious issue I've fought hard for!
What a person with a android call them when everyone has iPhones.
“Oh shit that nigga a droid boid”
someone with this name should go to heaven
Droid Jarostaw. will be forever
when someone sends you a facebook chat message because your droid shows you online but you dont notice it till hours later
when did i get this facebook chat message?, oh its from 4 hours ago man i hate this droid lag now there off line
The complete absence of life in any corporate situation.
1) She was a classic casio droid example of ruthless and benign indifference.
2) The design was a complete casio droid, devoid of people photos and completely dominated by machines and 3rd party objects
Another word for a bummy phone aka androids aka elandroidbeth’s phone LOL🤣
Hey u see liz over there?
She she gotta droid.