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A Russian boykisser

Person 1: you're a dias.
Person 2: Нет, я не >:(

by RealMrCactus December 5, 2023


DIA (Do Not Interact) is a term used on social media, typically to refer to a type of hate, to not interact with the user, or to not allow a group who may not understand to not interact with a safe space

Random twitter bio: Assholes DIA
Asshole: *interacts because they're an asshole*

by blzrL May 15, 2021


This word can define a crazy person or a bitch... depends on the day or situation

Omg shes is such a dias!!!🤬🤬🤬😡

by Maximus jr March 20, 2021


Is a word for an anti social creature that does not leave there cave for "a thousand years" till it get nuggi money

Look it's a dias...wooow

by Maximus jr March 20, 2021


Has a 2000 light years dick, is short AF and she is very cool.

you have a dia

by yeet2909 March 12, 2021


The most beautiful girl you’ll ever come across. She’ll be mean to you but not in a harsh but rather a loving and caring way. She can brighten up your day with her amazing smile and hilarious sense of humor. She can get offended easily so don’t say anything stupid.

I love my girlfriend Dia!

by GeekSupremo January 23, 2022


short kid but kinda a nerd. we love this short queen

"im so happy im not a dia"
"yeah you actually have some height"

by the nerdiest alive January 5, 2023