Source Code

James Donovan

When tit fucking a girl, put you balls on her eyes while sitting indian style on her face with you cock in her mouth. Sit down as hard as you can. This is in,important because you will then smoosh her eyes into her face causing her to go blind. Scream "JAMES DONOVAN!!" and cum into her mouth

Repeat if necessary.

I gave Ms. Rud a James Donovan so now she's blind.

by Jared Goyke May 31, 2008

28๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donovan Mitchell

God. The most attractive man alive. Slam dunk champion. Best player of all time

You know that guy Donovan Mitchell?
Yeah bro, he's the goat.
He's basically God.

by MagicSpida April 6, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donovan's Reef

The most heinous of sexual acts known to man, known only to a few select individuals. And Fabio. Definitely Fabio.

How could John have Donovan's Reefed his own wife? Doesn't she kiss his kids with that mouth?

by JackKnopf July 18, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

donovan george

one of the greatest super middle weights coming out of Chicago. Trained at the legendary Brooks Park on Chicagos far northwest side. Now a pro fighter 7-0 with 5 KOs is taking the industry by the balls and will soon move up to champion status, hes only 20 years old.

yo did you see how fast donovan george knocked that guy out?

by MCgotti February 21, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

donovan mcnabb

the best football player. the other guy ryan leaf is just another rush limbough ( cant spell his racist name)he donates a lot of his money to charity and on christmas dresses like santa clause and help sick kids

danovan mcnabb just threw 4 touchdowns with an broken ankle

by ben dover July 18, 2004

178๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž

baby donovan

Someone who has the aura of a clown and baby at the same time.

Dude 1: I main Baby Luigi in Mariokart
Dude 2: Bro he gives off Baby Donovan energy

by rickbone1055 April 27, 2019

Ricky Donovan

Ricky Donovan is a sexy beast who lives in wales, be carefull he can easily steal your girl

"hey babe, look its ricky donovan, please dont leave me!"

by Lil Tanky January 3, 2021