An Abbreviation for Enderverse Creations.
Steve: I'm gonna play some EC Maps.
Alex: I love Enderverse Creations' Maps
EC is an abbreviation of which stands for Economic Cunt. Though the word "economic" is included, it is not exclusive to economy as it could be used for close to anything. It applies to any person who is being somewhat parasitic like a trend hopper or someone who hates a certain thing yet is that thing may call themself an EC.
Though, most who use the word do not understand its true meaning and may think it's an alternative word for OC or Original Character.
Person 1: Oh, that's quite a cool OC you have there.
Person 2: I don't like OCs.
Person 1: Oh, so that's an EC?
Person 2: Yeah, somewhat.
To reject a salad that ones date has offered them on the second time they see each other.
Past tense: Ecced
Present/future tense: Ec
Friend: Did he offer you a salad?
Friend 2: Yes! I Ecced the heck out of that one. Was that ever a red flag!
Teenage boy to his date: Would you like some salad? I made it just for you.
Tennage Boy’s date: Oh, um, ec... thanks though.