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Often used as a term for a young duck

I saw a very hungry Evans the other week

by teliphosion March 21, 2009

91πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž


Saying she is the most beautiful girl in the world is an understatement. She is a girl with a great personality, she may be a popular girl, but is truely shy until you bring her out of her shell. She is the one that you want your family to meet. She is the one that makes you melt everytime she makes eye contact with you.

Evan is the girls of my dream. She's the one that makes me be me. She is the one with the intentions to get the best out of you, when you don't even believe in yourself.

by Lovetospoon November 10, 2010

47πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


To be stopped abruptly at a light turning red multiple stoplights lights in a row.

Evaned (E*van"id) {L. evanidus}

1. Unexpectedly sudden: an abrupt change.
2. Redlight;Redlight;Redlight;Redlight;Redlight;Redlight;Redlight;Redlight;Redlight;Redlight;
3. To pounce on the brakes.
4. Steeply merged a foot to a pedal. See Synonyms at steep

Guy: Bro you see that Fire Truck? it's been Evaned like 15 times!

Passenger: Dude WTF this blows stop slamming on your brakes
Driver: Yea, another fucking red light
Passenger: Bro, when will you ever stop getting Evaned!

by redtruck June 27, 2013

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


He has one of the best personalities ive ever experienced hes funny even tho his jokes arent the best but hes still funny even tho im funnier i dont even know why or how i fell for him it just happened he has the cutest smile ive ever seen hes so fun to be around and i love him and will always be there for him forever whenever hes on my mind so much my friends tease me about him and i act like they are wrong about their "are you thinking of evan" "are you gonna give that to evan" but really everything that they tease me about is true i cant believe that im actually dating him it feels like a dream hopefully it isnt tho. I hope we continue to work out.

i love my bf evan <3

by nainexzy January 21, 2022

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A seizure boi. he seizes every day bro. gets lit in the hospital.

dont be an Evan or you'll seize everywhere....

by evanseizes65658 September 26, 2018

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Evan, a guy who is so cute and smart he has the cutest smile and he has his secrets and if girls are super friendly to him don’t be jealous because Evans are loyal and if you do end up breaking up don’t worry he’ll be super nice about it and treat you like a friend. And if your friends make fun of you for liking him ignore it you guys would be cute together

Evan...the perfect guy

by Evan lover <3 January 1, 2020

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Tall white kid who has no friends but one black kid.

Evans a nigga

by Miny wheat May 6, 2019

15πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž