When broke ass lube technicians own a car worth $1000 or less and decides to install a cat back exhaust system and it sounds like a bunch of garbage rattling around in a coffee can. It’s a must have for lube technicians to be able to socialize with other lube technicians.
Good god can you hear that shitbox coming down the street Steve? Sounds like a fucked up weedwacker.
Steve: Sure can! It’s those fucking lube technicians thinking they have a Lamborghini or some shit. Those worthless bitches put the lube tech exhaust system on their cars.
Someone who exhausts you until you do something
They are such an exhauster and manipulater
Someone in an argument who won’t stop til you give in.
I.E. someone whos manipulation tactic is to tire you down til you either back down or agree to do whatever it is they want in order to stop the interaction.
“Greg, you’re an -exhauster- I told you I’m not taking his iPhone just because you’re uncomfortable with your own argument.”
A state of extreme physical or mental fatigue that results from having to fill out a ballot in which Tom Cotton is a candidate for the Senate again.
“Oh my god, is Tom Cotton on the ballot again? Can’t we come up with a better candidate in Arkansas than this joker? I get ballot exhaustion every time I see his name.”
Doom Loop Exhaustion (or DLE for short), is when a Doom Looper (someone who watches the same TV show on repeat) has exhausted a particular TV Series or Show to the point where classic jokes or moments don't barely muster a reaction out of them anymore.
Michael Scott; Gaba-Gool...
Doom Looper suffering from DLE; **silence**
Friend of Doom Looper; I think you're suffering from Doom Loop Exhaustion.
Spawn of helicopters relates to gender neutral fluid that's being gargled by a disabled grandmother mermaid whore who also has a fetish for sausages of the richmond variety
I love a mouthful of slimy spawn of helicopters exhaust when I'm sooty & sweeping your dad