That one kid that has a loud trash ass mic in fill lobbies, sounds like a obese kid, and smashes his fuckin keyboard when he dies. Also known as Fat Finger Shit Heads.
Me: *kills Fat Finger Fortnite Kid*
Fat Finger Fortnite Kid: *screams and smashes his keyboard/controller*
1. Informal: A metaphor for being complacent, unmotivated, or resistant to change, especially when one is in a position of comfort or dominance (e.g., a monopoly).
2. Colloquial: Remaining stuck or stagnant, with no incentive to improve or move forward.
"The company hasn’t innovated in years—they’re like a fat kid on a donut, sitting comfortably with no competition."
"Without any real competition in the market, they’re just like a fat kid on a donut, not going anywhere fast."
Traditionally a stain earned whilst eating.
"Bro, you got chili on your shirt."
"Yeah, it's going to leave a vicious Fat Kid Badge "FKB", good thing I carry a tide pen."
A big fat moron who deserves to get his dick chopped which is also known as CAT_BOOO and also his grandmother always gets butt sucked by 56 chimpanzees dressed as the fucking wiggles
SHUT UP YOU Dumb stupid fat ass kid lover BITCH CAT_BOOO
Billy stayed up all night watching pirated movies, chugging gamer fuel and smashing fat kid sticks
Fat Kid Asthma is when someone runs a short distance, but is hella winded half way through.
Often can be seen breathing heavily after walking up the stairs and running one lap around the gym, stop and just start wheezing.
-Running the mile is a quarter way through one lap-