Source Code

Who's on first?

Just about the greatest comedy routine ever, by comedians Abbot and Costello, with Abott telling Costello the names of the players.

In this context, the first baseman is named "Who"; thus, the utterance "Who's on first" is ambiguous between the question ("which person is the first baseman?") and the answer ("Who is the name of the first baseman.").

"Costello: Whats the guy's name on first base?
Abott:What is the guy's name on second base
Costello: Im not asking you Who's on second!
Abott: Who's on first!
Costello: I dont know!
Abott: He's on third, we are not talking about him."

"That Who's on first? Routine always makes me lol"

by AJ Molina October 20, 2008

41๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

first period

periods. when you wake up in the morning and think eww whats this in my pants oh i know i will get a nice clean pair of pants on, it will just be my discharge. you go to the bathroom to find out that your life has just been ruined. a big red patch of gloopy blood in your pants and all up you. delightful.

period." oh shit i have started my first period" i wonderd why i broke that chair in a rage yesterday night.

by lilly- mea February 6, 2008

40๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

First kiss

The first time you kiss some one (usually the opposite sex)

One of the best memories of your life.

Jake and holly first met in 5th grade.

They've liked eachother ever since they met.
They contiued into 7th grade 3 years later.

At the end of the year all the 7th graders at their school went on a class trip to what is basically outdoor school at the coast.



On the last night of the trip, holly was sitting on the beach looking out into the beautiful sunset all by her self.

Jake sees her and decided to finally make his move after 3 years.

He goes & sits next to her

They started talking for a few minutes.

Then right as the sun is about to set, jake leans over and kisses holly. Praying he won't screw it up.

Lasting 7 magnificent seconds they pull away.

Both in shock.

Both of them, their first kiss.

They smile at eachother.

& get up & start walking on the beach hand in hand.

Eventually they had to get back to the camp.

Jake walked holly to her cabin and kissed he once more good night

"good night"
"night" *holly starts to blush*
*jake smiles* finally after 3 years.- jake thinks to himself


by Aeseventee May 15, 2009

641๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž

first and fifteenth

it refers to the time when a drug dealer or hustler is likley to make most of his or her money sellin crack, considering the fact that govement checks are issued on these dates every month.

N.W.A. "Clockin much paper on the first and fifteenth"

by Bobby R September 29, 2005

259๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

First Love

The Love that hits you the hardest and you still think of after years not talking to them. You will never get completely over them. Maybe you didn't even realize it was love until you lost them.

Don't mistake with the first crush.

Four years and I still cry sometimes over my first love.

by onetwothreenine November 24, 2021

32๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

ladies first

Gentlemen's favorite sentence.
Men with good manners, will always let the woman go first (example through the door etc.)

but it's not the true meaning.

In reality, it means "Lady, go first so can I stare at your butt!"

Andy :" Ladies first" *opens door*
Marina:" very kind, you are a true gentleman"
Andy :" Indeed" *stares at nice butt!*

by Bari April 15, 2005

320๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

first resort

n. a word (or phrase) created by Hillary Clinton as the antonym to last resort.
n. primary action
n. first choice for the course of action

"War should be a last resort, not a first resort"
-Hillary Clinton

by Victor Cas January 4, 2008

122๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž