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Mitt Romney Flip-Flopper

To flip-flop to make yourself look good for Southern Social Conservatives.

To run for senate Governor in Massachusetts supporting Gay Rights and Pro-Choice values, then switching your position when you run for President.

To Take credit for Social Programs that you did not support and in some cases vetoed. Taking credit for balancing the Massachusetts state budget while claiming that you are not a big spender.
To interfere with the States veiws to look good national

"Don't vote of a Mitt Romney Flip-Flopper" you'll never know what he supports.

by Bay Stater for truth December 19, 2007

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Box like a flopper

It a way in fortnite when u fully box someone up and kills them

Bro u just got box like a flopper

by NeverVoids February 3, 2021

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upper topper flopper stopper

a bra.

Jed: Jimbo u need a upper topper flopper stopper cause u got man boobs like a mofo.

Jimbo: I was thinking of getting breast reduction thank you very much.

by insaniak988 July 26, 2010

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slimy palm flopper

actual fucking retard

โ€œ2+2=4โ€ your such a slimy palm flopper

by โ€ฆ457 March 9, 2023

slimy palm flopper

actually fucking retards

โ€œ2+2=4โ€ your such a slimy palm flopper

by โ€ฆ457 March 9, 2023

Free flopper

Dancho from Slivnitsa

You are such a free flopper

by lusbat January 21, 2024

Sweaty Flopper

A man who is an idiot, stupid or boofhead.
Also known as someone who is not good at playing fortnight.

Omg, you are such a sweaty flopper.

by July 30, 2023