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Fox News liberal

1. A person who describes themselves as a Democrat, but is actually quite conservative, such as Zell Miller. FOX News always gives them airtime in hopes that they can claim to be "fair and balanced."

2. Someone on FOX News who is actually a liberal, but either dumb or weak, and exists primarily as a punching bag for the conservatives on the show. Alan Colmes is an example.

FOX News liberals suck

by AVoiceofReason June 19, 2006

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Fox News-ify

Whenever someone uses "spin" and/or other rhetorical techniques seen on Fox News to lie, cheat, or just tell the part of the story that makes them or their agenda look good, just like on Fox News. It also helps if the "spin" is punctuated by an emotional, patriotic, or insulting remark.

"I can't believe I got fired for stealing from the safe; I merely undertook a personal covert cash flow enhancement initiative. My boss obviously wants the terrorists to be able to perform abortions on helpless babies."

"Dude, you stole. Stop trying to Fox News-ify your situation."

by Rev. Pasternack July 12, 2006

52๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fox News Disciple

An avid follower of Fox News who faithfully and unquestionably agrees with all their opinions, reposts countless articles on Facebook, and disagrees with claims (factual or not) made by any other news source.

Jim Bob is a real Fox News Disciple.

by Golf Romeo Hotel April 10, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pulled a Fox News

Taking a quote completely out of context to change the meaning of what the speaker said.

John said "Jason is not a man who fears death."

Sean Hannity pulled a Fox News by quoting John as saying "Jason is not a man."

by WilfyG February 20, 2011

Fox News liberal

Someone who claims to be a liberal or Democrat, but has positions and a voting record reflecting that of a conservative or Republican. See also DINO.
One who is often called a "Fox News liberal" is Alan Colmes, co-host (with Sean Hannity) of Hannity & Colmes; he is criticised by liberal commentators, including author and talk show host Al Franken, as weak and unable to effectively debate his decisively conservative counterpart.

That op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal is the weakest rebuttal to the pro-Bush article he was trying to refute. He's a milquetoast Fox News liberal if you ask me.

by LudwigVan September 7, 2005

152๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


to embellish or completely lie about something in order to gain more ratings or hits. This can be used by shows,websites,news papers or word of mouth.

WOW the baby didn't have a gun in its hand it was a elmo sippy cup. That guy totally was "fox-news-ing" the story about the baby

by Mykka March 13, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fox News Effect

the tendency to falsely assume that an information source which matches your own biases is fair and balanced.

Person 1: I'm a flaming republican and I think Fox News is the most reliable and balanced news network on TV.

Person 2: classic Fox News Effect.

by Punnedit January 20, 2012

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž