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Frenchie McGee

When a french person puts their finger up your ass unprovoked; typically without lubricant, as well.

"Yeah at senior week I got frenchie mcgeed and it burned my asshole!"

by Kormoney November 14, 2020

Fudge Frenchie

This action involves two people. (Consent optional) To start, one person defecates in the others’ mouth and gives the person a small amount of water. After this, the person with the excrement in their mouth swishes the mixture around. Then, the two people proceed to french kiss for as long as they’d like while trading the fluid back and forth. Eye contact highly recommended.

“I have a lot of shit in the system, would you like to do a Fudge Frenchie with me?”

by Zakmar March 15, 2024

morgan frenchie

i know ypure reading this cocksucker. yiu kniw who it is

"fuck you morgan frenchie"

by mandy_lilly_gillian September 10, 2023

Jazzy Frenchy

A sexual act where one participator blows into the butthole of the other to produce a musical note, or 'jazzy' sound.

My girlfriend serenaded me with a full composition of Mozarts 5th symphony via the Jazzy Frenchy last night.

by IndianaBrones March 27, 2022

Frenchie joint

A joint rolled by a joint roller resulting in a slimmer looking joint compared to one that's rolled by hand

A: Dude roll a joint
B: I can only roll Frenchie joint with this joint roller

by Username2000 January 24, 2024

Frenchie Cigarette

It is a small and skinny (much like Frenchmen) joint that was rolled with a cigarette rolling machine rather than it being rolled with your hands. Instead of looking like a cone it takes a more cylinder shape

A: "I don't know how to roll joints"
B: "Just get a rolling machine and roll a frenchie cigarette"

by liljohn200000123 November 15, 2022

frenchie pickle

This is where you hit a crossroads (in the relationship/dating sense) and with a twisted sense of self and those around you, attempt to legitimise your actions for the sole enjoyment of your own distorted reality.

The crossroads should normally be a very simple, straightforward decision. However, this person is not normal - lacking in morals, subconsciously attempting to stir the pot.

I know doing this would be wrong. But right now I really, really want to do it. It would be fun right now, and I can sort out all the shit it will cause later on. What a frenchie pickle I'm in!

by scorned_23 June 21, 2010