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frothy flap-dragon

A vagina with extra long lips, flapdragon, that is extremely moist.

Man it's hard to make sweet sweet love to Adam when he's a frothy flap-dragon.

by 11111116666767252638 March 21, 2018

1👍 1👎

frothy cum

cum that has been kneaded almost like slime, appears to be foamy, bubbly.

Boy #1; Oh my god! my cum is so frothy.
Boy #2; Woah dude! it is, its so foggy! its frothy cum!

by PO3 March 27, 2024

Frothy Cosby

A sexual act in which a male chews up Captain Crunch cereal, spits it on a woman's chest, and then ejaculates onto it. It refers to the sweaters worn by Bill Cosby.

Person A: Did you do anything freaky with her last night?

Person B: Yeah man. I kept her warm with a Frothy Cosby.

by Kama Sutra May 7, 2016

Frothy smoothie

Frothy is a great artist that makes some very good masterpieces and she is also a great fren

Frothy smoothie is delicious

by Eljacob April 8, 2022

frothy minty minge

when you eat a bird out after brushing your teeth

Jess: ahhh baby what a lovely tongue you have, i came like a volcano
Tom: yeh well i am a cunning linguist
Jess: by the way,i have a frothy minty minge, do you know why?
Tom: yeh, coz i just brushed my teeth ya stupid cow, now cook me some scrambled smeg

by Midget slinger July 2, 2017

frothy piggyback

Throwing up on your girls back during doggy style.

Bro last night was sick! I gave my girl a frothy piggyback!

by Scout 23 April 26, 2016

Big Frothy

A big Frothy is when you take a piss and a little semen comes out

Maan, I hate it when I make a big frothy in the toilet.

by SorryIShooped July 25, 2018